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Assassin Cross FAQ(originated by: -wisdom-)

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Assassin Cross FAQ(originated by: -wisdom-) Empty Assassin Cross FAQ(originated by: -wisdom-)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:31 am


Q: Eating deadly potion +ASPD ???
A: yes, but for one minutes lol. (and it works more like beserk pot for sinx that lasts 1 minutes)

Q: Left and right affect sbk damage ???
A: No no no no no no !! (PLEASE DO NOT ASK THIS AGAIN)

Q: mdef reduce sbk magical part damage !!!
A: Nop - u can try with a phy immue monk if u wan lol

Q: edp sbk give u 10k damage ko !!!
A: first of all, edp dont stack with status aliment, 2nd, edp dont stack with sbk, 3rd, hydra card dont increase sbk damage too.

Q: EDP make ur poison attribue muahahahah argiope armour pwn u !!
A: No EDP only make your attack damage x4, it will not change your attack to poison attribute, the one that make attack damage to poison attribute is enchant poison.

Q: Enchant poison add damage in pvp !!
A: No, but normally most ppl wear raydic armour to reduce damage from spinral pierce, falcon assult, asura... so when you enchant poison your attack atctually bypass the raydic armour and dealing the maximum damage (raydic card reduce ALL normal physical attack, but after you enchat poison your attack become poison attribute, the card that reduce poison attribute attack is myst card)

Q: Do katar mastery and advance katar mastery + SBk attack if using haedonggum?
A: no, but when u are using katar type weapon it will add the physical side damage

Q: Can pneuma block sbk ?
A: Yes (for the last bloody time)

Q: What can reduce sbk physical side damage ?
A: Armour, defender, thara frog card, popo hat, assumption, Combat Knife, Zherlthsh Mask, Tirfing aka Ogretooth card and all type of defence card that can reduce demi-human damage or increase your physical defence (phy immue)

Q: What can reduce sbk magical side damage ?
A: Thara frog card, popo hat, assumption, Combat Knife, Zherlthsh Mask, Tirfing aka Ogretooth card ONLY

Q: Switch weapon will cancle off EDP ?
A: no, switch weapon will only cancle off enchat poison

Q: EDP is x4damage=400% or +4x damage=500%?
A: Is x4damage --> 400%

Q: EDP affect gr armour?
A: duh... of course... unless you forget to enchant poison or enemy switch to poison/undead armour in time and u get shitty damage then shout *omfg EDP dont work on gr !!!* enemy will laugh at u and think *......... noob*

Q: can +4 armors/ shoes/ head headgears were enough to make u alive in mvp hunting? (for not rich players) is this possible?
A: +4 is hardly enough. Please do your best to achieve higher DEF rate. Take a look from another angle. Higher DEF means less damage taken, hence less HP recoveries consumed. It's a kind of saving money too. However, what more important is the card effect. Cards selection may make-or-break your battle against MVP. Example, wearing Pasana armor can reduce damage taken from DL's Meteor Storm greatly; Swordfish armor to reduce Drake & Turtle General's Water Ball damage.
Raydric card is a good option too.

Q: Crit sin x dont carry bucklers... no def cards to use... just spam pots along with FS heal? is that all?
A: Switch to bucklers when running away or you are under gang bang (where you will die without a buckler, but have a chance to survive if you have one). otherwise, spam pot all the way while hope enemy's pot finish before you.

Q: Mvpng is not just tanking mvp alone but all its minions and summoned monster! how much vit u need if u planning to tank all and keep it alive?
A: As high as possible without compromising much from other status, normally sinx should ask others (pala,LK,H.priest) to tank the mvp mob for you while u can concentrade on the mvp himself.

Q: Putting too much vit is dangerous too?
A: For MVP purpose, it depends, some MVP prefer to have more flee to dodge than getting the hits, but for PVP/WOE, average number of vit is needed, pls refer to sinx builds on the pinned topics.

Q: Vit used for woe and pvp? is it the same?
A: Different, WoE generally needs higher VIT. (to survive stun and some times, asura)

this part are based on common question ask based on types of sinx (crit,sb,sbk,etc)

DD sinx
Q1: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for pvp/guild war (without any mvp card/super duper god weapon/pls answer with weapon and card that POSSIBLE to be obtained)
A1: For Dual Dagger,use ++ Double Bloody Boned Gladius on RH + ++Triple Bloody Boned Main Gauche on LH

Q2: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for pvp/guild war (including crazy weapon and cards, yeah for those bastard who ask *what about TG card*)
A2: For Dual Dagger,use ++TG Bloody Boned Gladius on RH + House Auger on LH.
Highly refined House Auger on RH and ++TG card plus double Bloody boned Main Gauche on LH.

Q3:Emperium's attribute/size/race/hp/armour
A3: Holy1,small,Angel,68430,40+80

Q4:Weapon/card for highest damage output for emperium (again, weapon/cards that POSSIBLE to be obtained by most ppl)
A4: Dual Dagger can use ++2 Orc Skel 1 Desert Wolf Gladius on RH + ++3 Orc Skel 1 Desert Wolf main gauche on LH.

Q5: which one would be the right combination for dual dagger sin weapon?
1) Right Hand = Size Card - Left Hand = Race Card
2) Right Hand = Race Card - Left Hand = Size Card
3) or just simply pick which weapon has a higher ATK then put it on the right hand
A5:RH --> Best weapon with the highest ATK
Best weapon means your main weapon...like elemental weapon,high ++ weapon..best choices will be Gladius and Damascus.

LH --> Weapon that have more slots
Mores slots means you can put more % card in it.The more card you can put in,the higher it can amplify the RH damage..you dont need to ++ your weapon on the LH..best choices will be Main Gauche[4]..no need for you to consider having weapon with higher ATK to put in LH...just use weapon with low ATK but with more slots on it..

Sbk sinx
Q1: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for pvp/guild war (without any mvp card/super duper god weapon/pls answer with weapon and card that POSSIBLE to be obtained)
A1: Dual Hand SBK sinX can use ++Triple Zipper Saber on RH + ++Quad Zipper Blade on LH. For shield user can replace the Quad zipper blade with shield.

Q2: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for pvp/guild war (including crazy weapon and cards, yeah for those bastard who ask *what about TG card*)
A2: Dual Hand SBK sinX can use +10 Triple Zipper Saber on RH with ++House Auger on LH. Dual Hand SBK with very high ATK can consider using high refine House Auger on RH with ++Quad Zipper Blade on LH. Shield user can use high refine House Auger on RH -OR- ++double zipper TG saber (forget about double TG, it is impossible)

Q3: House Auger's damage formula
A3: ATK + (ATK*[(DEF/100) - 1])

Q4: Sbk's damage formula (both physical and magical)
A4: (ATK*SBKlvl*ElementModifier*(1 - [DEF/100])*SkillReducers - VIT) + (INT*SBKlvl*5 + 500 ~ INT*SBKlvl*5 + 1000)

SB sinx
Q1: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for pvp/guild war (without any mvp card/super duper god weapon/pls answer with weapon and card that POSSIBLE to be obtained)
A1: SB SinX will be ++ Double Bloody Boned Jur or just Infiltrator.

Q2: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for pvp/guild war (including crazy weapon and cards, yeah for those bastard who ask *what about TG card*)
A2: SB SinX will be +10 Bloody Roar (for high def character) or +10 Infiltrator or +10 1 TG Bloody Boned Jur. (for low def/agi character, if your dex is sufficient of course)

Crit sinx
Note: Crit Sin normally is damage per second > damage per hit
crit sin r the only kind of sin that doesnt emphesis on damage per hit, so this make the cards for the weapons become very subjective
so the list below might just act as a refrence list

Q1: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for pvp/guild war (without any mvp card/super duper god weapon/pls answer with weapon and card that POSSIBLE to be obtained)
A1:basically, we'll only see infiltrator's power if we got a base luk of atleast 80, the list below just act as a reference list
Luk 90 above - infiltrator
Luk 80 - infiltrator / 3x assulter jur / 2x hydra + soldier skeleton jur
Luk 70 - 3x assulter jur / 2x hydra + soldier skeleton jur
Luk 60 - 2x assulter + soldier skeleton jur / hydra + 2x soldier skeleton jur
Luk 50 - hydra + 2x soldier skeleton jur
Luk 40 & below - 3x soldier skeleton jur

Q2: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for pvp/guild war (including crazy weapon and cards, yeah for those bastard who ask *what about TG card*)
A2:basically the list wil be the same as A1, since our mission is to Crit & Lock
to kill, can consider a various jur with doppelganger card x[?] + lord of death card x[?]
[?]= number of cards depending on ur ASPD

Q3: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for emperium breaking (without any mvp card/super duper god weapon/pls answer with weapon and card that POSSIBLE to be obtained)
A3: the list below just act as a refrence list
Luk 70 above - 2x orc skeleton + wolf jur
Luk 50~69 - 2x orc skeleton + soldier skeleton jur
Luk 30~49 - orc skeleton + 2x soldier skeleton jur
Luk below 30 - 3x soldier skeleton jur

Q4: Weapon/card slot for highest damage output for emperium breaking (including crazy weapon and cards, yeah for those bastard who ask *what about TG card*)
A4: No other choice.Play Dual Dagger.For high ATK use high refined House Auger on RH + ++ Triple Orc Skel 1 Desert Wolf Main Gauche on LH.Crit also can play Dual Dagger.For moderate ATK use +10 2 Orc Skel 1 Desert Wolf Gladius + House Auger on LH.Or if have the patience,just use +10 2 Orc Skel 1 Desert Wolf jur for high LUK.Low LUK play DD better. (in other word, god card should not put in katar )

Q1: pls suggest a few latest build calculator with latest weapon
A1: Starry calculator

Posts : 1434
Join date : 2008-01-18
Age : 35
Location : Taman Kosas (Ampang)


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