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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:26 am

since some ppl open topics on this,i might as well make a guide on it,i will wrote everything i know abt ctrical sinX since i am one of the few users around,and NO FLAMES PLS everytime i make guide sure flames alot

What are ctrical sinX
Ctrical sinX are ones giving star dmg from their atks and those are call ctrical dmg,wat does it do?.The dmg ignores defence and can only be reduce by pvp gears jus like asura,bt unlike asura ctrical can be use with EDP and element unlike asura cannot be use with any element,with EDP this also makes ctrical sinX a little bit stronger than jus using ctrical lock,by using different stats and types u can kil a certain char with ctrical lock and the dmg never miss,it is depend on ur luk

Population of the ctrical sinX(ERO)
This type of sinX can say is rarely seen in both pvm and pvp,nt even mvp,compair to black party times there are still alot of it until the SBK and SB sinX appear

so if we take the popular sinX in 100%,50% of it is SB type,30% of it is SBK and 25% of it is ctrical sinX and the last 5% belongs to other sinX like venon splasher types,so th population has decrease by alot,coz pvp become more important than pvm

Stats for the sinX
STR: dmg is very important for the ctrical dmg,so u can clastified under 3rd most important skill for ctrical sinX

recomanded str:60-90(as long as total is 100 or more or base stats above 700

AGI: speed and flee is the most important of all,speed is needed to finish of enermy fast and lock ppl to prevent them from running away,u also need flee too,for ctrical sinX this is the most important stat of all

recomanded agi:70-99,each agi adds 1 flee,and does nt givs bouus flee like wat stris,so maximum flee rate will also work

VIT: for pvp types maybe u may need some vit to survife stun,same goes for emp breakers,this is also a important stat,we clastified it under 4th most important stat

recomanded vit:1-60:each vit adds few hp bt nt sure hw many since i am nt a vit user,too less cannot survife bt too much will kill by AD,so i recomand 60 the maximum

INT: bt much use,increase SP and SP recovery,since ur job is mostly clock,EDP and wack all the way,nt much is use so don bother it

recomanded int:probely no need it

DEX: DEX increase the hit and speed by a little,bt since ctrical will nt miss,dexless ctrical sinX can be made,bt some ppl and monsters hav too high flee and ur luk is low,u may need some dex to surport

recomanded dex:1-35

LUK:the 2nd most important stat beside agi,sometimes also consider as the most important one of all,ur ctrical rate is depend on this and ur weapon,katar has a higher ctrical rate,s do take note of that,the higher the luk the higher the ctrical rate,ctrical rate can also be increased by cards

recomanded luk:50-90

tips:pure ctrical for a sinX is luk 60+2 X kobold borch or rosasy and 3 Ss jur

cards for ctrical sinX:for pvp users maybe jus use the normal raydic cards and this and that,for pvm types maybe can get full agi gears and for the weapon,try get a +10 triple soilder skel as so far it is te best card for ctrical,and mobster will do also bt nt as high as soilder skel

Standard stats for ctrical sinX for pvm and pvp

lvl 99/70

STR: 82+11
AGI: 75+20
LUK: 75+8
VIT: 33+3
others 1

eqs: for pvm users u can use full agi gears with 2 kobold borch,for pvp change to pvp eqs

ctrical rate:58.7?(calculated on amon ra with +7 infri)

comands:this is the standard one for pvm and pvp,with vit enough to survife and HP is over 10k,the most standard one of all


lvl 99/70

STR: 82+11
AGI: 80+25
LUK: 65+8
DEX: 20+10
others 1

eqs: the stats above are calculate with full agi eqs and 2 kobold borch,pvp users switch pvp gears

ctrical rate:52.7?(calculated on amon ra with +7 infri)

comands: with dex as backup,used can lock some higher flee chars with infri bt has no vit

MAX AGI dexless

lvl 99/70

STR:69+11(no choice hav to be in 10s)

ctrical rate:56.8% with +7 infri on amon ra

EQ: calculated with full agi eqs and 2 kobold borch,pvp users switch pvp gears or don switch

comands:by putting all stats into agi and remain dexless,this is the best for locking ppl with fast speed,if hav dopple card den best,can realy prevent a person from running away

MAX AGI creater killer

lvl 99/68

STR:69+11(no choice hav to be in 10s)
VIT:1+-1(total 0)

EQs:calculated wit full agi eqs and sucubus theif cloths and 2 kobold borch,for killing creaters only,i modifed it from my current stats

ctrical rate:52.1% on amon ra using +7 infri

comands:this is the built for kiling creaters,if u hav the card and u use this u can kill them in few mins by jus locking them with EDP besides u hav dex for surport also and AD is useless,the creater cannot do anything bt jus cast firebolt from fireblend and demonstration

Tricks for ctrical sinX
1: if u wan to kill a certain char u can take down very confidenly,clock all the way beside the char and use EDP to surprise him/her and move in for the kill,sometimes they too surprise to atk, if they on sight around them,den try move closer and take him/her down

2: when locking,best use a ctrical jur with 3 SS or 2 SS 1 mobster,both will do

3:pure ctrical lock to death is possible as long as u can dodge the person atks very well

4:ctrical can determine welther the person is using a GR or nt,if the dmg is less than 50 or 100 when using Ss jur means the person is using GR,more than that means other amour

Rare cards usefull for ctrical sinX[/u]

doppleganger:the fast atk speed allows locking of enermies very well and enermies without speed pots and backslide and dash is hard t0 escape

orc hero:defend from stun,this card is sutable for emp breakers who are low vit

moonlight:walk very fast,since u hav low vit and notting much to kill,when running away this card comes into use

orc lord:for low vit users,u can double KO with champs by using alice shield with this card provided u can switch fast

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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:39 pm

aku rase...
stat crit ok jgk.....
str 75
agi 99
vit 20
int 1
dex 1
luk 66....

gn jur +7 pun ok....
tp kasik card Steam Goblin Card...atau card mcm itu...
+10% dmg crit....blh dpt 500 lbh crit
+EDP 1k crit...Very Happy
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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  Lylo Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:42 am

stat ko bg ok la kot.
tp brg yg ko list kan tu tk ok lorh.
edp 1k crit???
skit nyee.
steam goblin card tak berguna ler kt woe.

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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:17 am

1.7k lbh la...
woe gn assaulter card la...
10% dmg crit n +7 crit human...Very Happy
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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  Lylo Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:19 am

ye ye.
tp klau critical ko kuar 1.7k skit kot.
klau real server 3k nye crit pon kena gelak.
ni kan 1.7k? wtf?

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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:31 am

tu server bayar bang...
nih standart bang...Very Happy
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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  Lylo Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:33 am

tp barg still same je kot utk crit sin tak silap aku la.
same je.
cume server btol da mcm gay. sbb brg god sume da ade aa.
Very Happy

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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:58 pm

server blacklist 1 tangkal tue all stat +35....
arwah server angelic full item bayar..all stat +99...
blom tekan2 stat asal lg....Very Happy
1.7k crit standart brg xgod la....Very Happy
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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  Lylo Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:09 am

tp utk pengetahuan anda.
stelah woe dgn mcm2 jenis guild kan.
aku nmpak damage sinx standard kt free server 3k.
ade brg god ke tu?
dan sinx tu bukan dr ROC.

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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  LyndaMao Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:20 pm

Dual dagger la sedap, Paling best! ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) 436100
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ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike) Empty Re: ctrical assassin cross guide(no flames pls)(Originated by: nike)

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:03 am

1k lbh crit brg bodo jerk...Very Happy....
paste l dmg crit 3k ko ckp tue....Very Happy
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