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Champion WoE Guide.. (Originated by: Joseph)

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Champion WoE Guide.. (Originated by: Joseph) Empty Champion WoE Guide.. (Originated by: Joseph)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:19 am

Since nobody wanted to start it here..
I start it bah..
Any question and suggestion can be replied here..
Originally this guide was made by me for Odin..


1- Character Status
2- Skills
3- Weapon
4- Equipment
5- Attacking/Defending
6- vs Other Job
7- Last Note

Character Status

Most important for asura champ.
Keep it in 10's.
Recommend at least 110.
Any less will rely on your sp potion.
It also add character's weight limit.

2nd most important.
Bonus comes every 15.
A decent 105 dex should be enough.
The reason why str is better for dex is in guild war there are damage reduction, while most people wan to see fast asura in pvp.
Well, this is WoE guide.

Keep it at least 40.
More vit = More HP = Fast recovery time on status.
In war, you die = you go see kapra lady.
Its all about survival.

More Sp = More asura damage.
But 1 thing is more Sp = more consumption on SP item.
Be very sure that you did not overkill a character in the mean time be sure you will kill him in 1 hit.

Best if keep as 1 unless you got extra status point.

A few skill is require to get no mather what is:-

The most important cause you need this to increase your damage.
It can also cure curse status.

Detect hiding/cloaking character

Warp Portal
We champion like jeez say are little aco. Buff and warper are our secondary job.

Block attack from sniper and assasin's soul breaker.
Block wizard/priest from casting safety wall on that spot.

Manipulate Spirit Sphere
We can do more than just asura ler.

Dash Like a Bullet
Our elite skill besides asura.
The only other job having this is backslide but not as effective as ours.

A must for all champion.
Knight / Blacksmith / Assasin are bound to be food if they ever touches us.

Palm Push Strike
Able to push a character off 3 spaces from any place include safety wall.

Increase Agility
Move faster.
Increase aspd, therefore will decrease after cast delay.

Decrease Agility
Decrease opponent speed.

For Str 120 use Mace[4] with 2 hydra and 2 skel
Those lower than 120 use Chain[3] with 2 hydra and 1 skel

If possible wear those equipment that will make you survive from asura.
As far as i know that other job cant kill you except champion.
Wizard wont hurt you much as you have dash.
Normal equipment should be PooPoo/Raydric/and Thara Frog.

Defending And Attacking

When defending, champion are suppose to be the emperium protector.
Which means the backline defence.
If there are any enermy that passes through the defence in front of us, please make sure you kill him in 1 hit.
For champion which is in front line defence, sage/professor is the main target among all job, followed by bard/clown & dancer.

Before going into the castle, memo warp point in front of the castle.
Help priest do the job of warpping.
Open 1 warp for everyone and 1 for yourself.
Dun go in and leave behind your teammate.
Buff everyone before going into the castle.
Inside the castle pneuma if there is any guardian.
Its not pain for you but its very pain for other job like wizard and sniper.
See Guardian Asura Them!
No mather what for you are the only character there can kill with 1 hit.
If you are unable to do so, dun asura again. Mss will do just fine.
Dun ask for SP from professor.
Tap your own sp, of course you can spam and ask them for sp, but dun rely much from them.
Our job is to ensure those character that break emperium gets into the emperium room safely.
We cant hit emperium either.
Decrease Defending guild member agility if possible.
Most important character to kill during attacking is Champion.
Followed by Priest(Especially Santuary Priest in Emperium Room), the rest is depends on situation. Stripper is also a must.

Against each character in WoE

vs Wizard/High Wizard
Should be easy, mostly MSS will be good if you have str 120. Of course asura will be better. But if wizard is casting SG it is better you cast MSS for it cant be interupted

vs Sage/Professor
Most annoying character in guild war.
1 Dispell will make you frustrated.
If they dispell you before you get to asura them, please decrease agi them first, before you go 1 side and buff yourself.

vs Hunter/Sniper
1 pneuma will make them go nuts.
Poor defence will make them take damage alot. MSS will be nice but as usual depends on situation.

vs Priest/High Priest
Make sure you get to kill them in 1 hit.
If it means you got to tap till full SP please do so.

vs Knight/Lord Knight
Like priest, they have alot of hp.
If it means you got to tap till full SP please do so.

vs Sin/Sin Cross
Ruwach before try to cast asura.
If it is a critical sin den dun panic when they lock you.
Dilemma den asura will do the job.

vs Rogue/Stalker
Another must kill character.
Usually they are inside the emperium.
Killed them or else they will strip your weapon.
If ever they strip your weapon. Tap till your sp full to kill them or other job. Dun stand there and do nothing.

vs Crusader/Paladin
Reflect shield is very pain for champion. Be careful you dont overkill him, else you will be send out like him. Pressure from them will frustrade you alot.

vs Bard/Clown/Dancer
Should be easy to kill them cause they cant deal you damage usually.

Last Note
In war be sure you bring green pots, awakening, whites, sp item, and BG
Awakening will increase your aspd, somehow have some effect in your casting.
Dun be stingy in taping sp item.
It is what you are suppose to do when you choose to play this job.
As far as i play in war so far, whites and jelly/honey are very heavy, its hard for you to manage cause sometimes in a castle you ran out of whites or honey.
If possible, and finantially stable, get some better one.

Any comment are welcome.
First Guide ever make.

Posts : 1434
Join date : 2008-01-18
Age : 35
Location : Taman Kosas (Ampang)


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