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My BattleSmith Guide [pls Give comment](Originated by: ulala2)

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My BattleSmith Guide [pls Give comment](Originated by: ulala2) Empty My BattleSmith Guide [pls Give comment](Originated by: ulala2)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:09 am

A lot of Guide u can find here, but this is a pure BattleSmith:

* What is Pure BattleSmith ??
This builtdmainly build for fighting only, like PvP, MvP, GvG, and no forge

* What is the Diffecent compare to pure Forger,battleForge?
For Pure Forger they mainly use in Forge weapon and vending, the battleforge is a character in
between pure Forge and Pure BattleSmith.

* Is it a Good idea to train a pure battlesmith for first character ??
Not recommended. for a battle smith, u need a lot of potion and money to buy a good def equit,
so when u go in to this built, prepard a lot of zeny.....

* Is it this is can be level very fast compare to Hunter,Wiz,Pri.... ?
No, this is a very slow leveling after u reach level 80, bcoz i only main in vit type

Hybrid type mainly in PvP,GvG and MvP
PART 1.1:Novice

Do what ever novice do, kill poring, fabre lunatic or other to get joblv10 and change job at alberta.

PART 1.2:Merchant


Enlarges Weight Limit

Recommended : Go max. this because very useful in PvP,GvG,MvP,u need to bring a lot of potion to go for it.

Question : I already rent a cart that Weight limit to 8000, why should i need to max it ?
Answer : Do you think that your opponents can give you time to take those potion you store in your cart ?? Every Second can decide you win or lose in GvG,PvP and MvP.

Recommended : If you d't have other Character to do the sell/buy job for you, max it.

Recommended : If you d't have other Character to do the sell/buy job for you, max it.

Recommended : Must max. to 10 skills, battlesmith never miss.

Recommended : Put 1 of it or u just wasting your money to put magnifier.Bcoz when u at high level, fighting can get a lot of unidentified item.

Recommended : Put 3 is max. for BattleSmith.Bcoz most of the time u only fighting and sell waste time for vending.

Recommended : Must Max 10 for any type of BattleSmith, never Miss To up this to lv10!!!!!

Recommended : Must Have Skills!!!!!!!!

Change Cart
Recommended : This skills only to show off what level you are, can change to better look after Base lv 70, and each 10 level can change 1 more type. Depends on you.

Cart Revolution
Recommended : Very usefull skills, Must have it!!!!!


10 Enlarge Weight Limit
5 Overcharge
10 Discount
10 Pushcart
3 Vending
1 Item Appraisal
10 Mammonite

Extra Skills :
1 Loud
1 Change Cart
1 Cart Revolution

PART 1.3: Blacksmith

After reached job 50 go to Geffen to change Blacksmith.Finally now you become a Blacksmith.


Recommended : 1 for pass skills tree

Recommended : 1 for pass skills tree

Hilt Biding
Recommended : 1 for pass skills tree

Finding Ore
Recommended : Must have Skills. It can make u something even kill poring get emperium.

Research Weapon
Recommended : Must Max Skills no matter, pure forger, battleforge or battlesmith

Repair Weapon
Recommended : Prepared for future use skills.

Skin Tempering
Recommended : Max it if can!!! Heard that in new patches will become more useful.
and u will found that at lv 85+, high orc is ur main monster to kill, which is fire property.

Hammer Fall
Recommended : Must Max skills very useful in PvP and GvG.

Adrenaline Rush
Recommended : Must Max skills for a BattleSmith.

Weapon Perfection
Recommended : Must Max skills for a BattleSmith.

Over Thrust
Recommended : Must Max skills for a BattleSmith.

Maximize Power
Recommended : As a Battlesmith, why not Max the last battle skills.

IDEAL job 50 Blacksmith:

1 Iron
1 Steel
1 Hilt Biding
1 Finding Ore
10 Research Weapon
1 Repair Weapon
5 Skin Tempering
5 Hammer Fall
5 Adrenaline Rush
5 Weapon Perfection
5 Over Thrust
5 Maximize Power

Total job point = 45,another 5 u can put back 5 OC or other u like.

PART 2: Stat Point

The basic of Hybrid Battlesmith focuses on AGI, STR, VITand a touch of DEX.
The recommended starting stats are 9 STR, 9 AGI, 4 VIT, 1 INT, 6 DEX and 1 LUK

The focus on four stats makes a balance build much more difficult. The main
issue was balancing STR and VIT enough to deal damage but not recieve a painful
amount back. AGI must be raised as quickly as possible.

STR 10
AGI 10
VIT 10
DEX 10
AGI 20
VIT 20
DEX 20
STR 20
AGI 30
VIT 30
DEX 30
STR 40
AGI 47
VIT 64
STR 80
DEX 38
STR 99

Adding remain point to dex or agi or even int if u want.

For Agi type, still in progress

str 9,dex 9, agi 9
str 10
agi 10
dex 20
str 20
agi 20
dex 38
str 40
agi 60
str 50
agi 70

Part 3 : Leveling Guide

1-10, normal novice hit like poring, fabre and so no.....i think most of the ppl knowing this so just try ur way if u have better way.

11-25, prt_sewer is the best way, hit thief bug, in 1 day u can get lv25 or even more or if u have tanker go for other high monster or go hit rocket!!!

25-35, moc_fild13, kill snake or pecopeco, with agi, easyly leveling here.

36-50, well, all cha start slow level after lv40, so be pation to leveling.with a vit around 40~50, go mjo_dun01 kill dranliar, hit u nothing like 5, 10...but each kill get 4++/17+ exp so this is good place. U can find all those ants here expect vitata, and martin, smokie here. avoid the skel worker and giearth. If u lucky can get a lot of card here and like goggles, safety helmet.If u already have a S.Mantaeu with raydrci card go byalan island kill thada frog or even if not misstaken shuold be in lv 2. if u d't have thos equip also can go there train, compare which is much faster for u.

Finally change job.

51-60, pay_dun01 / 02, kill eggyra, magnolia,munak with cart revo.
mjo_dun01/dun02,kill skel worker, drainliar
iz_dun02/03/04, also a good ideal, even high exp and drop some good card, but this place i not really recommended bcoz u can found a lot of bots there.......(all moster have at least 5000+ HP, so think b4 go)

61-70, mjo_dun02, kill skel worker,
moc_fild14, kill desert wolf,
moc_fild16, kill sandman.
in_sphinx2,kill matyr, requiem and others....
ger_fild14,kill high orc
gef_fild08,kill koblot

70-80 orcsdun02,kill zenorc, stell chonchon,orc skeleton,orc zombie,drainliar
gef_dun02/03, spicder,Whisper, and others
in_sphinx2,kill matyr, requiem and others....
ger_fild14,kill high orc
gef_fild08,kill koblot

80-90 orcsdun02, kill zenorg,orc skeleton and other..(save potion money)
c_tower1, Kill punk,bathory and bah.jr (use potion type)
gef_fild14/alde_dun02, bring elemented eapon kill high orc

90-99 c_tower1, Kill punk,bathory and bah.jr (use potion type)
alde_dun02 kill high orchere
in_sphinx4, kill minorous
tur_dun01, kill those aggresive monster

ps : u will find it levelling after lv95 onward will take a log long time for u.
at level 95 to 96, ply for 5 days only 50% exp compare last time 3~4 days lv from 94 to 95.

PART 3.1 Fast Levelling For Agi BS
Requirement :
1) Tone of potion
2) all good equip

go prt_fild06 kill those fabre,poring,lunatic. 30min or 1hr change job.

Equip I use
Head : +7 Viking Helm
Middle : Luxury Sunglass
bottom : Ganster Mask
Armor : +7 S.Chain Mail with steel chonchon card
Weapon : +9 Blade
shield : +8 Buckler
Boots : +7 S.Boots with matyr card
Acces : 1 mantic clip, 1 creamy clip

go prt_fild07 kill rocket.

use +6 VVS Fire Morning Star , +6 VVS Ice Swordmace go moc_fild13 kill pecopeco and snake

use +6 VVS Earth Swordmace , go mjolnir_02 kill creamy and dustiness

use +6 VVS fire morning star kill caramel,bigfoot,poporing (mjolnir_03)
use +6 VVS Earth Swordmace kill dustiness

use water element weapon go moc_fild14 , kill desert wolf,hode.

use some elemented weapon, go in_sphinx3 kill matyr,whisper,merduk,requiem
(save my potion money so still here until lv76/43 in almost 1 week total play time.)

Posts : 1434
Join date : 2008-01-18
Age : 35
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My BattleSmith Guide [pls Give comment](Originated by: ulala2) Empty Re: My BattleSmith Guide [pls Give comment](Originated by: ulala2)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:10 am

PART 4 : Equipment

PART 4.1 : Head
Head up : S.cat,Deviruchi Hat,Viking Helm,BoneHelm,S.GemmedSallet , Magestic Goat, Satanic Chain, Pirate Bandana,orc hero card,nightmare card

Head middle :welding mask , S.Sunglasses

Head Down : what ever u like

Card needed for Head : Deviruchi Card, pharaoh Card

Recommended : Deviruchi Hat, Magestic oat, S. Gemmed Sallet with Deviruchi or pharoad card, Pirate bandana. All depends on how much money u can spend for it.

Recommended Head level : +7

PART 4.2 : Armor/Body
Armor : Mink Coat, S.Padded, S.Chain Mail

Card needed : Picky Card,Angeling Card, Dokebi Card,Steel Chonchon Card,
Marc Card,Orc Lord Card

Recommended : S.Chain Mail with Marc Card for Vit type, S.Chain Mail with Dokebi card for Agi type. Other all depends on where u need to use....

Recommended Armor level : +7

PART 4.3 : Shield

Shield : S.Buckler

Card needed : Thada Frog Card , Golden Bug Card, Rafflesia Card,BigFoot Card,Soldier Andre Card,Orc Warrior Card,

Recommended : Thda Frog Card(most common use in PvP,GvG), Golden Bug if u can get u will be a very dangerous killer, big foot and all other card only when u need to fight those nevessary monster.

Recommended Shield level : +7

PART 4.4 : Robe

Robe : S.Hood, S.Muffler, S.Mantaeu

Card needed : whisper Card, Raydric card

Recommended : S.Mantaeu with those 2 card. u can put other card for that depends on what monster u most commond kill....but S.Mantaeu will cost u a lot....u can either choose S.Muffler or S.Hood if u d't have a lot of money, but if u put those card inside will be a waste. I suggest u better use a +4 Mantaeu (no slot can buy from shop)

Recommended Robe level : +7

PART 4.5 : Boots

Boots : S.Boot

Card : Matyr Card, Sohee Card

Recommended : only this 2 card will be very useful for a battlesmith.

Recommended boots level : +7

PART 4.6 : Accessory

Accessory : S.Belt,S.Clip,S.Muscle Ring

Card : Creamy Card, Mantis Card,vitata

Recommended : Creamy card use for searching monster(save fly wing money), Mantis +3 str is go for str 110 or more, vitata is save ur REd potion money. If u can get a muscle Ring , D't miss it,,,,,,,,,,,,

PART 4.7 : Weapon

Weapon : 4s Axe, Element 2H Axe, Element Swordmace,Bloody Axe, 3s Chain

Card : Hydra, Mummy,wander man,Phreeoni Card,pecopeco egg,skel worker, minorous,Scorpion King Card,Drake Card

Recommended : Hydra must have for PvP or GvG, all other card depends on you. U can put other family card which not show here to suit what monster u kill. Element weapon like Fire,Ice,Wind,Earth if can all prepared 1 as u fightting all different kind of monster.


[from ????, ]http://roidv.mucia.net/]
1) Skin Tempering
will changed from 25% fire resistant to25% fire
resistant + 20%(lv5) resist to fire type monster

2) Hilt Binding
will add +4 dmg where equip a weapon
will increase 10% longer for the skills of Maximize Power,Over Thrust, Adrenaline Rush

White Smith Skills
1)Melt Down
Requirement : Skin Tempering lv3,Hilt Binding lv1,weapon research lv5,
Over Thrust lv3
This skills when use will have chance to break opponents weapon, will be stop if opponent weapon break,opponent dissapear and die. If fight monster,will reduce monster atk and def.

2)Coin Creat
Requirement : Steel lv5, Iron lv5,Enchanted Stone Craft lv4,
Research Orideocon lv2
This skills to forge coin, means zeny...different item will forge diff. coin. even have a % to forge an something like AngPow.

3)Nugget Creat
Requirement :Research Orideocon lv3,Finding Ore lv1, weapon research lv5
This skills to forge Nugget iron,steel and gold. Can be use in forge weapon, forge coin or even sell high to NPC.

4)Cart Boost
Requirement :Push Cart lv5,Cart REvolution lv1,Cart Change lv1,Hilt Biding lv1
This skill must have a cart on your character, willl increase movement speed to 20% for 30 sec.

5)Auto Attack System Create
Requirement:Weapon REsearch lv10,Weapon Perfection lv3
This skill will recall a tower defend to attack enemy, max can recall 5 tower, it look like WC3 tower, with some distance it will auto attack enemy close by. It will demolish after some times of use. (no stat how long yet)

Changes in EP5.0
Over Thrust will cause weapon break, need to go back to Upgrade weapon town place in town like morocc,payon,prontera and alberta. New NPC, like Repair NPC to repair.
:thumbs: Check my Picture here :thumbs:

Posts : 1434
Join date : 2008-01-18
Age : 35
Location : Taman Kosas (Ampang)


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