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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:14 am

Here's the Merchant skill tree, from the official International Ragnarok Online site:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Mercha10

One of the interesting things about Merchants is that most of their skills can benefit all your other characters without you having to actually play them beyond the early stages of their life. Hence such terms as "vend slave", "oc/dc slave", and "extended storage".

Enlarge Weight Limit, passive. 10 levels.
Prerequisites : None.

Increase your maximum weight capacity; very helpful, almost necessary. By allowing you to carry even more potions, it will dramatically increase your lifespan in WoE and PvP. Even if you prefer not going overweight, you still have more space to fill until the 49% mark is attained. During normal leveling it's not really required, however. If you're a low str build, this will help compensate for your normally low weight limit. And if your build has a large amount of str, then it does nothing but complement your already large limit. While it's not really an issue, you can carry a larger amount of ingredients at once if you're a potion maker. Max this skill if at all possible.

1 : +200 weight.
2 : +400 weight.
3 : +600 weight.
4 : +800 weight.
5 : +1000 weight.
6 : +1200 weight.
7 : +1400 weight.
8 : +1600 weight.
9 : +1800 weight.
10 : +2000 weight.

Pushcart, passive. 10 levels.
Prerequisites : 5 Enlarge Weight Limit

Enable your Merchant to rent a cart from a Kafra. The cart is a seperate mobile storage, with space for up to 100 unique items, and a weight capacity of 8000. You can't use items directly from the cart, but it's simple enough to click and drag items from your cart to the inventory and vice versa. To open the cart inventory, press alt + w. You also need a cart on to vend. Get this skill and level 10, without a doubt. The cart will be your main advantage throughout Merchant life and beyond.

1 : 55% walking speed.
2 : 60% walking speed.
3 : 65% walking speed.
4 : 70% walking speed.
5 : 75% walking speed.
6 : 80% walking speed.
7 : 85% walking speed.
8 : 90% walking speed.
9 : 95% walking speed.
10 : 100% walking speed.

Vending, active. 10 levels.
Sp use : 30.
Prerequisites : 3 Pushcart.

Set up a shop in order to sell your items. In order to do this, you have to first put whatever you're interested in offering for sale in your cart, find a suitable location, and then use the skill. A window will open with some empty bars and slots to drag your items into from the cart. The top bar is used to label your shop; try to avoid esoteric or just plain ugly names if possible, as you'll generally want it to be easily understood and appealing. Simply listing what you have will usually suffice. After you've got your shop titled, drag and drop the items into the aforementioned slots, and on the bar to the right enter in the amount you'd like to sell it for. Level 3-4 is usually enough, unless you're a vend slave, in which case 10 is always good fun. However, level 6 is a good point to stop at unless you really feel the need to vend as much as possible. At level 6, with eight slots open for vending, this will fill the default shop size. Any more items, and anyone browsing your shop will have to use the scroll bar to see what else you've got for sale. While it sounds trivial, quite a few casual shoppers won't bother scrolling down, and it also makes it a little bit easier on people looking for specific items if all they have to do is glance over what's visible and then either move on, or purchase the item if you've got it. You can always make another Merchant to handle this sort of thing if your Alchemist will be your main character, and can't spare the skill points.

1 : Vend up to 3 items.
2 : Vend up to 4 items.
3 : Vend up to 5 items.
4 : Vend up to 6 items.
5 : Vend up to 7 items.
6 : Vend up to 8 items.
7 : Vend up to 9 items.
8 : Vend up to 10 items.
9 : Vend up to 11 items.
10 : Vend up to 12 items.

Discount, passive. Ten levels.
Prerequisites : 3 Enlarge Weight Limit.

Lower the cost of items purchased from an NPC shop; it always rounds down, and the minimum value possible is 1z. Get level 10. Now. While level 9 -> 10 is only 1% more, you'll most likely be purchasing a ton of potions throughout your Alchemist's life, so you might as well save as much as possible on them. That, and 10 looks better on the skill screen than 9 does. If you have another Merchant with this skill, then it's not really required, but it's still easier to purchase the items on your Alchemist then having to switch characters and transfer via Kafra.

1 : -7% total.
2 : -9% total.
3 : -11% total.
4 : -13% total.
5 : -15% total.
6 : -17% total.
7 : -19% total.
8 : -21% total.
9 : -23% total.
10 : -24% total.

Overcharge, passive. Ten levels.
Prerequisites : 3 Discount.

Increase the amount of zeny items are sold to the NPC for. The total is always rounded down, and the minimum value is 0z. Level 10 can be quite helpful, but you'll probably be making most of your money from rares, and things like buying and reselling. More zeny is always great, and you should try to get as much as possible. Again, if you have a Merchant with this skill already, it's not something you have to get.

1 : +7% total.
2 : +9% total.
3 : +11% total.
4 : +13% total.
5 : +15% total.
6 : +17% total.
7 : +19% total.
8 : +21% total.
9 : +23% total.
10 : +24% total.

Mammonite, active. Ten levels.
Sp use : 5.
Prerequisites : None.

Use zeny to inflict massive damage. The rate you are able to attack at is dependant on your attack speed. If you're a battle build of any kind with at least moderate strength, GET THIS. Even if you're poor now, and that 1k per use sounds mind blowing, if you play long enough you should have enough zeny to cover it. Wouldn't want to regret skipping it if you ever plan to MvP/WoE/anything. It will be your only attack skill other than Cart Revolution that doesn't require a bottle of some kind. And zeny is more easily replaced than a bottle.

1 : 150% attack, 100z.
2 : 200% attack, 200z.
3 : 250% attack, 300z.
4 : 300% attack, 400z.
5 : 350% attack, 500z.
6 : 400% attack, 600z.
7 : 450% attack, 700z.
8 : 500% attack, 800z.
9 : 550% attack, 900z.
10 : 600% attack, 1000z.

Item Appraisal, active. 1 level.
Sp use : 10.
Prerequisites : None.

Identify an item without the use of a magnifier. Eh, if you've got a spare skill point slap it in here, but usually you won't. While it can make you slightly more independant and be helpful during leveling (I want to know what that sword is NOW, not when my awake runs out!), do not sacrifice any skills for this thing. A little tip for identifying items. Say you have three daggers, and you identify one to be a three slot Gladius. The other two have the same weight, so they're most likely Gladiuses as well, but are they three slots or two slots? To determine this without having to waste more sp/a magnifier, simply right click on that Gladius you already identified, and then right click on one of the daggers. If the description window closes, it's the same; another three slot Gladius. If it changes, it's a different type of dagger.

Quest skills :

There really isn't any reason to skip out on these, due to the fact that they consume no skill points. Only time and zeny.

Crazy Uproar, active.
Sp use : 8.

Acquiring: Job level 15 needed. Pick up seven Pearls, fifty Mushroom Spores, and one Banana Juice. Walk up the path leading north from the Kafra by the weapon shop in Alberta. On your left, a man standing between two buildings will teach you this skill.

Raises your str by four points for five minutes. It's something like a free Ring of Muscle, with one downside, which is that Quagmire and Dispell can remove it. So long as you remain in Quagmire's area of effect, you will be unable to recast it without having the buff be immediately removed. So while you might want to consider if it's viable to bypass on a WoE-build, it can be looked at as a free 44 stat points for when your strength is in the 90+ area, and it's invaluable for normal leveling and MvPing. You'll be hard pressed to justify planning without it.

Change Cart, active.
Sp use : 40.

Acquiring: Job level 30 needed. Bring fifty Trunks, ten Irons, and twenty Animal Skins. Bring these to the NPC sitting on the table near the same building you begin the dye quest at in Alberta.

Depending on your level, you can change the appearance of your cart. As you level up, more will be available, with five carts total. While it is mostly nothing more than a cosmetic change, there are benefits; if you're offering potion making services for example, and you have a high level cart, you would be more likely to attract customers. People may be more likely to notice your shop amidst a group of low level Merchant vend slaves, and it's just good for overall showing off if you're into that. You can also do things such as use a lower level cart to deceive people in PvP/WoE if you'd like to be evil.

Level 1-40 : Iron cart.
Level 41-65 : Wooden cart.
Level 66-80 : Flower cart.
Level 81-90 : Panda cart.
Level 91+ : Final cart.

Cart Revolution, active.
Sp use : 12.

Acquiring: Job level 35 needed. You will need one Banana Juice, twenty Irons, thirty Sticky Mucus, twenty Fly Wings, five Tentacles, and two Grape Juices. A man in a suit near the dock with brings you to Turtle Island at Alberta will take these and teach you the skill.

Spin your cart to inflict splash damage on a 3x3 area around your target, and push anything on the receiving end of your assault two squares to the west, or left with the default camera angle. The heavier your cart, the higher the damage; at 0 weight, it's 150% of your attack, and at 8000 weight it's 250% of your attack. The way this is calculated is somewhat curious; it's like a double attack, which results in only one attack. It factors in both any elemental modifiers, and a neutral element one. What this means to you is that while the skill can benefit from elements for increased damage, it does not actually have an elemental property. Thus you will be incapable of damaging ghost type monsters with it. This is one of your most important skills. It's your most effective means of dealing with mobs, and it will also be one of your main leveling tools; perhaps the main leveling too!

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty Re: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:15 am

And here is the Alchemist skill tree, taken from the official International Ragnarok Online site:

There is one good thing about having so few skills; it's quite easy to decide on a build. But that also means most Alchemists will have a similar skill set.

Now, the details of each skill, and my opinion of them:

Potion Research, passive. 10 levels.
Prerequisites : None.

It increases the potency of healing items used on yourself, and potions thrown via Aid Potion. It also increases your success rates with potion production. The basis of Alchemist skills. Without a doubt, max this.

1 : 5% more potent, 1% increase in success rates.
2 : 10% more potent, 2% increase in success rates.
3 : 15% more potent, 3% increase in success rates.
4 : 20% more potent, 4% increase in success rates.
5 : 25% more potent, 5% increase in success rates. - Prepare Potion available.
6 : 30% more potent, 6% increase in success rates.
7 : 35% more potent, 7% increase in success rates.
8 : 40% more potent, 8% increase in success rates.
9 : 45% more potent, 9% increase in success rates.
10 : 50% more potent, 10% increase in success rates.

Prepare Potion, active. 10 levels.
Sp use : 5.
Prerequisites : 5 Potion Research.

Create potions; for details, head down to the potion creation section. The higher your skill level, the better your potion success rates are. This skill should be maxed if you ever plan on making a single potion with your Alchemist. If your Alchemist will be a battle build, and you have unrestricted access to a potion-making Alchemist (or just another Alchemist with this skill maxed out), you can afford to sacrifice points in this in order to obtain other skills. Just don't expect to be pumping out any potions.

1 : 3% increase in success rates.
2 : 6% increase in success rates. - Summon Marine Sphere and Biochemical Helm available.
3 : 9% increase in success rates. - Aid Potion available.
4 : 12% increase in success rates. - Bomb available.
5 : 15% increase in success rates. - Acid Terror available.
6 : 18% increase in success rates. - Summon Flora available.
7 : 21% increase in success rates.
8 : 24% increase in success rates.
9 : 27% increase in success rates.
10 : 30% increase in success rates.

Summon Marine Sphere, active. 5 levels.
Sp use : 10.
Bottle : Marine Sphere Bottle.
Casting time : 2 seconds.
Cast delay : 0.5 seconds.
Prerequisites : 2 Prepare Potion.

The duration the Marine Sphere is 30+10*skill level seconds, or until it is killed. Max hp of the Sphere is raised along with skill level. After being summoned, hit it once to begin detonation. It will then move directly away from you and commence a countdown to an explosion. The countdown lasts 5 seconds, and the Sphere increases in speed the closer it is to detonation. The amount of hp left at the end of the timer is the damage inflicted around it, and there is a small chance of the Sphere inflicting critical damage. This damage is not reduced by defense, but instead by using gear that protects from fire and plants. The explosion pushes away targets caught in the blast radius in PvM and PvP. However, the Marine Sphere will damage everyone in the explosion radius in WoE/PvP, so you need to be careful when and where you set one. You are limited to three in a 9x9 square area. Detonators are rather time consuming to gather, so you'll generally want to reserve this skill for WoE (just like most of the Alchemist skills). When used in WoE, the defense value of the castle the Sphere is in will raise the defense of the Sphere itself.

1 : 2,400 hp, lasts 40 seconds.
2 : 2,800 hp, lasts 50 seconds.
3 : 3,200 hp, lasts 60 seconds.
4 : 3,600 hp, lasts 70 seconds.
5 : 4,000 hp, lasts 80 seconds.

Aid Potion, active. 5 levels.
Sp use : 1.
Range : 9 squares.
Bottle : Red, Orange, Yellow, White, and Blue potions.
Cast delay : 0.5 seconds.
Prerequisites : 3 Prepare Potion.

Throw a potion at yourself, someone in your party, someone in your guild, or a member of an allied guild. You can scroll through the various levels to toss different potions, and assign each level to a different hotkey to throw that potion. The skill level you have determines how much more potency the potion has, and the level you use it at determines which potion you toss. It stacks with Potion Research, and when tossed to a Swordman-based class with maxed out HP Recovery the potency will be doubled. Your vit has an effect on a potion tossed to yourself, but it has no effect on potions tossed to other players. Their vit, however, increases the amount healed. For blue potions, int increases the amount of sp healed, as does the SP Recovery skill of Priests and Mages. You can not throw condensed potions. Aid Potion is highly spammable too, but obviously at the cost of eating through your potions. It's also possible to heal yourself via chugging the potions normally, and using Aid on yourself. Oh, and no, you can't toss potions on undead and damage them like Final Fantasy. One last interesting tidbit... you can heal someone using a Golden Thief Bug card with this.

Potions have the following base healing effectiveness:

Red Potion : 45-65.
Orange Potion : 108-142.
Yellow Potion : 175-234.
White Potion : 325-402.
Blue Potion : 46-60.

And now, for a chart... the numbers on the left are the target's vit, or int in the case of blue potions, while the numbers listed under each kind of potion are the minimum and maximum amounts of hp/sp healed at that vit/int. The values are calculated with maximum levels of Potion Research and Aid Potion. All numbers are rounded down. Simply double the numbers when the target has level 10 HP/SP Recovery.

1 : 10% more effective. (Red)
2 : 20% more effective. (Orange)
3 : 30% more effective. (Yellow)
4 : 40% more effective. (White)
5 : 50% more effective. (Blue) - Aid Condensed Potion available.

Bomb, active. 5 levels.
Sp use : 10.
Bottle : Bottle Grenade.
Range : 9 squares.
Casting time : 1 second.
Cast delay : 0.5 seconds.
Prerequisites : 4 Prepare Potion.

Set the ground ablaze and hurt your opponents with fire element damage. It has a 3x3 area of effect, centered on the tile you select to cast it on, and damages every second or so. When used in PvP or WoE, it has a chance to break the weapon of anyone caught in it; except for maces, axes, rods, and any weapon with the "Indestructible" status in it's description. The immunity to breaking that maxes and axes possess is due to the way Gravity handled weapon breaking and Power Thrust. It also effects everyone caught in it when used in PvP or WoE. Including you. It can't be placed directly next to or under a player/monster, but it can be casted underneath or next to an emperium. While it can be placed next to other Bombs, they do not stack. The only cards that increase the damage are +ATK cards. +% cards, and status inflicting cards do nothing. Size penalties are applied though, oddly. The damage is based not on your stats when the Bomb was thrown, but your current stats; switch from a high attack weapon to a low one after the Bomb has been casted, and the damage will drop. Vice versa if you switch from low to high, obviously. Despite taking an Alcohol along with the Fabric to make, it's an excellent skill. Breaking an opponent's weapon will either force them to switch to a less effective alternative, or resort to punching. And it's great to use in chokepoints or against a wall. The fire element damage can restrict how you use it in leveling though, but it can obviously also be quite beneficial.

1 : 120% damage, 1% chance of breaking a weapon, 40 second duration.
2 : 140% damage, 2% chance of breaking a weapon, 45 second duration.
3 : 160% damage, 3% chance of breaking a weapon, 50 second duration.
4 : 180% damage, 4% chance of breaking a weapon, 55 second duration.
5 : 200% damage, 5% chance of breaking a weapon, 60 second duration. - Prerequisite to Acid Demonstration.

Acid Terror, active. 5 levels.
Sp use : 15.
Bottle : Acid Bottle.
Range : 9 squares.
Casting time : 1 second.
Cast delay : 0.5 seconds.
Prerequisites : 5 Prepare Potion.

Throw an Acid Bottle at your opponent with a small chance to break their armor, and inflict the external bleeding status. This skill ignores armor defense, and hits regardless of flee. Vit defense is calculated in, however. While the damage can be blocked by Pnuema, the chance to break armor remains. Kyrie, however, blocks both the damage and the chance of breaking armor, as will a Crusader with Guard. Whenever the skill is calculated as a success, the target will use the emoticon as an indication of this. However, that doesn't mean they had their armor broken; even when using chemical protection or wearing an Immortal armor, the will display itself so long as the attack was considered a success. Yet another skill you'll only use typically during WoE or PvP due to the cost, but still a great skill. The potions aren't that difficult to make either, as quite a few people level on Minos, and consequently kill Verits. Just like Bomb, the damage is increased via +ATK cards, and status and +% cards have no effect. It's also uneffected by elements. The acid bottle is consumed at the beginning of the cast, as opposed to the end like the other potion skills. This means that if you are interrupted whilst casting, the bottle is lost with nothing to show for it. If you ever plan to attend a WoE, or participate in PvP, this skill should be maxed.

1 : 140% damage, 3% chance of breaking armor, 3% chance of bleeding.
2 : 180% damage, 7% chance of breaking armor, 6% chance of bleeding.
3 : 220% damage, 10% chance of breaking armor, 9% chance of bleeding.
4 : 260% damage, 12% chance of breaking armor, 12% chance of bleeding.
5 : 300% damage, 13% chance of breaking armor, 15% chance of bleeding. - Prerequisite to Acid Demonstration

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty Re: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:15 am

Summon Flora, active. 5 levels.
Sp use : 20.
Bottle : Plant Bottle.
Range : 4 squares.
Casting time : 2 seconds.
Cast delay : 0.5 seconds.
Prerequisites : 6 Prepare Potion.

Summon various plants to attack monsters or players. The level you have determines the hp of the plant, while the level you use determines the type of plant summoned, the duration, and the amount of bottles consumed. If you have less than the total amount of bottles required for the skill level you used, it will take the rest of the bottles, and summon that many plants. So if you have three plant bottles, and use level one, you’ll end up with three Mandragora instead of the typical five. When used in WoE, the defense value of the castle the plants are in raises the defense of the plants themselves. Their attacks are considered extensions of your own when it comes to a single thing: auto-cast spells granted by weapons or cards. Status effects and damage increasing cards do not carry over to the plants. You can only summon more plants once your first plants have died, or gone through their duration time. So long as you remain on screen with them, you will get the experience for their kills. An effective strategy for all the plants is to summon them, hit/target a monster, and then use a Hiding accessory once the monster is in range of your plants. Monsters will not attack your plants, thus rendering them sitting ducks until your plants have had their way with them. Provided they’re not insect or demon type monsters. When using these in WoE, you have to be careful; they'll attack Guardians regardless of if they're friendly or not, and the Guardians in turn will lock unto you as a valid target. Oh, and on the stats listed below the plants... the hit/flee are what's required of players to hit/dodge them, not the hit or flee of the plant itself.


Atk: 26-35
Element/size: Earth 3/medium.
Hit: 44
Flee: 123
Aspd: Fairly slow.
Range: 4

Mandragora almost last too long, so long as they aren’t in a PvP/WoE setting. While logically one would consider them to be the best for using the auto-cast spell method of leveling (there are five of them, after all), Hydra are better for this purpose due to their higher range and faster attack speed. Somewhat useless all in all when compared to the other plants. Pneuma blocks their physical damage, but with such a low attack that isn’t anything terrible.


Atk: 22-28
Element/size: Water 2/small.
Hit: 48
Flee: 129
Aspd: Quite fast.
Range: 7

As previously mentioned, their high attack speed and range are beneficial for auto-cast spells, but there’s the issue of cost; four bottles per usage adds up quickly. Also, the pitiful melee damage and low hit means you’ll have no physical damage to be supplementing the magic damage. However, they are effective at lowering the flee of opponents in PvP, and you don’t have to actually connect with a hit in order for an auto-cast spell to be triggered. Their element is excellent for WoE/PvP due to Storm Gust immunity, and vastly reduced MS damage… so long as they’re kept away from LoV and stray JTs. Pneuma will also negate their physical attacks, which prevents them from stopping a cast.


Atk: 242-273
Element/size: Earth 1/large.
Hit: 72
Flee: 144
Aspd: Average.
Range: 3

A large jump from Hydras in physical strength, but at the cost of reduced range and attack speed. If you’re looking for physical damage, go for Parasites, and if you need auto-cast spells, go back to Hydras. On the positive side, Pneuma won’t block their attacks.


Atk: 215-430
Element/size: Wind 2/medium.
Hit: 109
Flee: 214
Aspd: Somewhat fast.
Range: 8

The highest range of your five plants; although the fact that there are more of the lower leveled plants summoned per use means they can help cover each other. Regardless, these are excellent to use. A very useful element, high range, good attack speed, a respectable flee requirement, and good physical damage. Of course, you’ll have to deal with the fact that they’re naked little girls. You disgusting pedophile. Oh, and Pneuma will also negate their attacks.


Atk: 467-621
Element/size: Earth 3/medium.
Hit: 143
Flee: 199
Aspd: Average.
Range: 3

The highest physical damage available, although your Parasites will generally do more damage to their longer lasting time, the fact that there are two of them, etc. The primary reason to use a Geographer is for their ability to heal you and anyone around you, for 1024 hp. This is excellent when facing a single strong monster on your own. The Geographer will assist you with some physical damage (although they tend to miss fairly often on the monsters you can justify using them on), and drastically reduce your cost in healing items. They will even heal you after you’ve died, which can be extremely helpful if you’re revived with a Yggdrasil Leaf, as you won’t have to worry about being killed immediately by a stray monster spawning on you. On occasion, they’ll designate another player as the priority for healing, and continue healing them until they’re at full hp. This can be rather frustrating when you were counting on their heals. In PvP, they will only heal you if you’re in a party. Even if the party is simply you by yourself, it’s required for the Geographer to recognize you as a valid target for healing.

1 : 2430 hp, 5 Mandragora, 300 second duration, five Plant Bottles.
2 : 2630 hp, 4 Hydra, 240 second duration, four Plant Bottles.
3 : 2830 hp, 3 Flora, 180 second duration, three Plant Bottles.
4 : 3030 hp, 2 Parasites, 120 second duration, two Plant Bottles.
5 : 3230 hp, Geographer, 60 second duration, one Plant Bottle

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty Re: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:17 am


selebih nye tgk kt sini.
terlampau byk kot!!

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty Re: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:22 pm

creator yer stat bg aku...
int n dex 99....
vit 25....
mmg stim utk mvp la....Very Happy
Morocc Clan
Morocc Clan

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty Re: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

Post  ekey Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:14 am

BuDaK_SiNKi wrote:creator yer stat bg aku...
int n dex 99....
vit 25....
mmg stim utk mvp la....Very Happy

bih tuh def nnt xde...
cmner?? The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) 61343
Morocc Clan
Morocc Clan

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty Re: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:52 pm

ekey wrote:
BuDaK_SiNKi wrote:creator yer stat bg aku...
int n dex 99....
vit 25....
mmg stim utk mvp la....Very Happy

bih tuh def nnt xde...
cmner?? The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) 61343

def buat ape...
MVP ok...
pergi 3 org cukup...
1 tanker priest creator..
tanker keras la..
try int n dex 99...
Morocc Clan
Morocc Clan

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Location : Na Na Na Na Na TeGaNu KiTeee.......


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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty Re: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

Post  Zeltoz Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:42 pm

caya la int dex 99 memang rock...pastu + mjolnir perrrgh no cast creator + plak ngan poem perrrg none stop AD gigit jari sape kena .... tapi tu la nak living cam haram susah.. kalau server sara tak pe problem pacak sleeper share ngan sin dpt gak 1.5m/hour
Morocc Clan
Morocc Clan

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty Re: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:19 pm

Zeltoz wrote:caya la int dex 99 memang rock...pastu + mjolnir perrrgh no cast creator + plak ngan poem perrrg none stop AD gigit jari sape kena .... tapi tu la nak living cam haram susah.. kalau server sara tak pe problem pacak sleeper share ngan sin dpt gak 1.5m/hour

xpyh gigit jari.....
tgk je mvp joget2.....
xsampai 1minit....
da kutip hasil.....Very Happy
Morocc Clan
Morocc Clan

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna) Empty Re: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alchemists/Creator (Originated by: Ace~Corouna)

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