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Shield Chain 101 - Ver 1.01(Originated by: Starry)

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Shield Chain 101 - Ver 1.01(Originated by: Starry) Empty Shield Chain 101 - Ver 1.01(Originated by: Starry)

Post  Lylo Sat Jan 19, 2008 3:47 am

Shield Chain is a skill that hits 5 times with a shield to the enemy. Str and shield weight/refine heavily effects the damage. upon using this skill, u get HIT +20.
LVL 1 = 130% 28SP HIT +20
LVL 2 = 160% 31SP HIT +20
LVL 3 = 190% 34SP HIT +20
LVL 4 = 220% 37SP HIT +20
LVL 5 = 250% 40SP HIT +20

Current Shield Chain formula is

DMG = [[[(Str + SB + DB + LB * (1-MD/100) - MV - MVR ))+SW+SR*4] x SDI] + SRR + (0~100)] x cardMOD x 5 hits x eqMOD

DMG = [[[(bare hand attack * enemy DEF reduction)+Shield weight+shieldrefine*4] x skillMOD ] + SRR + (0~100)] x cardMOD x 5 hits x eqMOD

bare hand attack=ur base attack using ur hands(no weapon)
DEF reduction = enemy def reduces SC base damage
Shield weight = weight of ur shield(120 for shield)
Shield refine = refine value of shield
SkillMOD = damage multiplier from skill lvl.
LVL 1 = 130% 28SP
LVL 2 = 160% 31SP
LVL 3 = 190% 34SP
LVL 4 = 220% 37SP
LVL 5 = 250% 40SP
cardMOD = damage multiplier from cards.
eqMOD = damage multiplier from EQ's like masquerade / the SIGN

Shield Chain consure

Shield Chain has a casting time of 1 second , reductable by dex(think spiral)
Shield Chain has a delay time of 1 second, NOT reductable by aspd/dex (think Sharpshooting)

What Shield Chain looks like :


note that the images are of lvl 1 shield chain and with low STR.

1. Shield Chain is effected defense and flee. (think about bash)

2. STR EFFECTS Shield Chain damage by a huge ammount. its also useful for weightMAX.Impositio Manus, Gospel ATK +100% will HUGELY effect Sac damage.

3. WEAPONS DOESNT effect Shield chain damage. use 4 slot weapons, and the lightest....but using blade gives u some damage while bashing.

4. Shield Chain ignore size. The only advantage of daggers over swords are they are lighter.

5. Cards are able to modify Shield Chain damage. Best combination would be 3 hydra 1 skel for PVP/WOE usage. going to test with +ATK cards like andre.... if it works...then TG will also considered good. but if clamped with SAC. stay with 3hydra skel.


6. Any weapon is suitable for Shield Chain. You can even Shield Chain with bare hands. of coz, u need a shield XD

7. Auto-guard and Pneuma can block Shield Chain.AUTOREFLECT DOESNT. therefore. it is a RANGED skill

8. Shield Chain can be reduced by energy coat, -20% element in munteau, ghostring card, poo poo hat, assumption, thara frog cardl.deviling.

9.Shield Chain is ALWAYS NEUTRAL -_- .WOD POSITIVELY makes Shield Chain pierce rAydric ^_^
Proof= WOD ignore raydric

credits = kenjin

10. CASTING TIme depend on DEX, and can be interrupted.
ill try to get more screenies and do hands-on proving when the server is up again /

11- HOUSE AUGER/COMBAT KNIFE cant increase SC damage


Oh well, since many ppl are asking for stat build, but are lazy to use the calculator....or just dont know what u will expect....well...here are some exemplary stat builds

YES, they are EXAMPLERY stat builds. if sumone named XXX is more geng then u, then done complain. since i dont want 1000 "Starry junior" running around pron.

Pure Shield Chain Paladin

U want power? here....power! Pure shield chain! 130str 105dex 55vit

Str = 99+31
Dex = 87+18
Vit = 50+10
Luk = 2+3
int/agi = 1

Headband of power
gas mask?
Ring Mantis x2
triple hydra skel blade
thara shield
raydric muffler
firelock boots

Suggested skills: Shieldchain lvl 5, shield reflect lvl 10 , autoguard lvl10 , pressure lvl 5 , defender lvl 5 , faith lvl 10 , holy cross lvl10/gospel lvl10(if u think u r not attractive) .

VIT Shield Chain build

think that your hp is too low? hope u can tank all that mob in guildwar? hope to die with AD? well..... (str 120 dex 100 vit 80)

dex= 82+18
vit = 70+10

Headband of power
gas mask?
Ring Mantis x2
triple hydra skel blade
thara shield
raydric muffler
firelock boots

if u wan to use poopoo.....well scrap it from vit. do the maths.

Suggested skills: Shieldchain lvl 5, shield reflect lvl 10 , autoguard lvl10 , pressure lvl 5 , defender lvl 5 , faith lvl 10 , gospel lvl10(

Hybrid Shield Chain build a.k.a ROJAK

SC pala that uses the already fast SC delay, to sac. giving crazy amount of damage/sec.
this type can break EMP oso..... i think =/ (str 120 dex 100 agi 52 vit 65 luk 10)

Str = 91+29
Dex = 82+ 18
agi = 32+20
Vit = 55 + 10
Luk = 7 + 3

gas mask?
Ring Mantis x2
triple hydra skel blade
thara shield
raydric muffler
firelock boots

Suggested skills: Shieldchain lvl 5, shield reflect lvl 10 , autoguard lvl10 , sacrifice lvl 5 , devotion lvl 3, faith lvl 10

GC-SC type paladin.

Want your pala to be exeptionally good in WOe, and still able to farm those mastela? want absurd exp/hour,laughing while those Pure sac pala leeches all the way, while u can solo and still get 750kexp/berserkpot? here u go =3

Posted By Mystic@| credits to him on this one. (str 80 int 110 vit 60 dex 80)

str 58+22
vit 51+9
int 90+20
dex 63+17
agi 1+19
luk 1+3

poo poo hat
devil ear
iron cain
marc amour
firelock boots
radyic manteau
thara shield
+8 / 9 / 10 HDG with 2 zipper bear card AND triple hydra skel blade.

SC-GC....Starry version str 100 int 100 dex 90 vit 54 (i love rojak)

str 75+25
vit 44+10
int 79+21
dex 72+18
agi 1+19
luk 1+3

poo poo hat
devil ear
iron cain
mantis earring?
marc amour
firelock boots
radyic manteau
thara shield
+8 / 9 / 10 HDG with 2 zipper bear card AND triple hydra skel blade

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Join date : 2008-01-18
Age : 35
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Shield Chain 101 - Ver 1.01(Originated by: Starry) Empty Re: Shield Chain 101 - Ver 1.01(Originated by: Starry)

Post  HayaNeeChan Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:23 pm

SC nih serius ke leh clamp sekali ngan Sac?? damage SC bertambah ke?
Morocc Clan
Morocc Clan

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Join date : 2008-11-08
Age : 33
Location : One Fathom Bank (Permatang Sedepa)

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