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Reign Of Champion [ROC]

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Reign Of Champion [ROC] Empty Reign Of Champion [ROC]

Post  antos Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:20 pm

lg b'berapa jam nk woe..
fro da panas ngan mega2..
hari ni gak hari last ROC woe..
b4 ROC brcuti selama2nya..

so ape pandangan kowg or anything kowg nk kongsi..
all about ROC??

btw aku harap woe hari ni ramai la snap ss..
cz last woe utk ROC..
aku gak harap ROC bg tentangan yg hebat..
to all guild2 kt fro ni..
Reign Of Champion [ROC] 727941 ROC !!

Re: 23 Jan

Postby azcloud on Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:47 am

Yes, 2day is the day we've been waiting for, which represents the last woe for ROC in Prontera Server. Felt that u can win against our EC? Do come for woe 2day as this would probably represent the last time u guys could have a fightout with us. Hehe, hope to see every1 attending 2day's war n make it the best woe u have ever attended as well as a farewell gift for us ROCians - a great woe. There is a likelihood we may not b at full strength, but nvrtheless, we'll try to continue to do what we do best, clear-all-b4-breaking. N again, hope to see all guild/every1/every single guildmate of urs/every quitted frens of urs etc etc attending this Friday's war. Lets make it an epic woe to signal the end of ROC's reign as well as the rise of the next-guild-in-waiting~! Cheers!

*U may not agree we have reigned over the server(entitled-to-own-opinion), but nevertheless, do attend the war as the last chance to battle it out with us. Some of u may have harboured the dream to beat us, thus, do so 2nite. Thx to all whu would b attending n I hope R side would be continuing their Fuying defence, at least we could play the offensive side /heh . Maybe some of u may wan to skip it for sake of boycotting us (say only lol), but personally, I think its not worth it, cuz u'll b missing out playing against us 1 last time (Well, our track record is enough to show that we r the best attack/defence guild in the server) Beat us fair n square, n take the throne(only thing is lag may spoil the day for every1 of us - our opponents n ourselves lol). Thx once again.

The end is near for us, but it may only be the beginning for some of u guys.

From --- Ryuuken/Waterwings --- ROC

Last edited by antos on Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Morocc Clan
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Reign Of Champion [ROC] Empty Re: Reign Of Champion [ROC]

Post  waterball Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:29 pm

aik..awat ROC nk resign dri woe?? kne buli truk ker?

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Reign Of Champion [ROC] Empty Re: Reign Of Champion [ROC]

Post  Demon_Eyes Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:35 pm

bertebaran la umat2 ROC mencari guild laen nnt.. lol.. ye ke last WOE.. ntah2 dorg mat cer je.. cam Lee & Puyo.. hahahha !!
Morocc Clan
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Reign Of Champion [ROC] Empty Re: Reign Of Champion [ROC]

Post  Lie Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:11 pm

hahahahaha.. jubo
sori la.. arini aku rasa morocc n IP xwoe.. gloridas blik kg.. ady pun dah blik kg sbb aku dgr2 cita atuk dia sakit tenat.. then kamil xdpt nak lead arini.. so maybe moc xwoe kot arini
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Reign Of Champion [ROC] Empty Re: Reign Of Champion [ROC]

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:44 pm

Lie wrote:hahahahaha.. jubo
sori la.. arini aku rasa morocc n IP xwoe.. gloridas blik kg.. ady pun dah blik kg sbb aku dgr2 cita atuk dia sakit tenat.. then kamil xdpt nak lead arini.. so maybe moc xwoe kot arini

sape nk woe...
go join R atau another...
fight for ur right
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Reign Of Champion [ROC] Empty Re: Reign Of Champion [ROC]

Post  <Babau> Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:16 pm

antos wrote:lg b'berapa jam nk woe..
fro da panas ngan mega2..
hari ni gak hari last ROC woe..
b4 ROC brcuti selama2nya..

so ape pandangan kowg or anything kowg nk kongsi..
all about ROC??

btw aku harap woe hari ni ramai la snap ss..
cz last woe utk ROC..
aku gak harap ROC bg tentangan yg hebat..
to all guild2 kt fro ni..
Reign Of Champion [ROC] 727941 ROC !!

Re: 23 Jan

Postby azcloud on Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:47 am

Yes, 2day is the day we've been waiting for, which represents the last woe for ROC in Prontera Server. Felt that u can win against our EC? Do come for woe 2day as this would probably represent the last time u guys could have a fightout with us. Hehe, hope to see every1 attending 2day's war n make it the best woe u have ever attended as well as a farewell gift for us ROCians - a great woe. There is a likelihood we may not b at full strength, but nvrtheless, we'll try to continue to do what we do best, clear-all-b4-breaking. N again, hope to see all guild/every1/every single guildmate of urs/every quitted frens of urs etc etc attending this Friday's war. Lets make it an epic woe to signal the end of ROC's reign as well as the rise of the next-guild-in-waiting~! Cheers!

*U may not agree we have reigned over the server(entitled-to-own-opinion), but nevertheless, do attend the war as the last chance to battle it out with us. Some of u may have harboured the dream to beat us, thus, do so 2nite. Thx to all whu would b attending n I hope R side would be continuing their Fuying defence, at least we could play the offensive side /heh . Maybe some of u may wan to skip it for sake of boycotting us (say only lol), but personally, I think its not worth it, cuz u'll b missing out playing against us 1 last time (Well, our track record is enough to show that we r the best attack/defence guild in the server) Beat us fair n square, n take the throne(only thing is lag may spoil the day for every1 of us - our opponents n ourselves lol). Thx once again.

The end is near for us, but it may only be the beginning for some of u guys.

From --- Ryuuken/Waterwings --- ROC

Since thread ni dak bukak aku cume nak comment based on aku punye opinion je..org bole kate yg ROC ni self-claim Pro & Legend..pd aku dorang mmg btol2 legend kat FRO nih..bnyk faktor dan sebab..achievement yg dorang dah ade..char yg lebih advance dr guild2 lain..teamwork yg baik..leadership yg bagus..respect dorang kat guildmember yg lain..
EQ2 yg rare..mmg ade sesetengah kemajuan yg ade pd ROC dibantu oleh ORG DLM..tp mostly char2 yg dorang pump dari usaha sendiri..except 9ine..tu mungkin ade tahyul sket..bukan senang nak pump char kat server nih..apatah lagik nak dptkan lvl 99(3rd job)..boleh menitik air mata kalo char kena warp atau mati kena hylo kalo dah nak 99...dah le ble mati kena tolak 5 %...haizzz..ROC quit pon mungkin ade sbb..bnyk andaian yg di berikan tp hanya dak2 ROC je taw..mungkin sbb bosan xde saingan?atau leader nak sambung blaja dan xde replacement?atau jugak ade internal prob..mcm berlaku kat MOC skrg ni..haha..

aku sentiasa berfikir mcm mane nak bersaing ngan ROC?mcm mane nak jadi sehebat ROC?mungkin bnyk gak halangan dan cabaran yg dorang lalui sebelum sampai ke tahap sekarang..kita bole tgk mase dak2 TLG betray ROC..ramai yg kuar dan join TLG..aku andaikan yg TLG dpt bersaing ngan ROC tp kita sendiri tgk..TLG pon x lepas ngan ngan MOC..(mase tu kita ade persefahaman)..haha..mane je guild yg bole lwn ROC?kalo dulu real R je selalu bg saingan kat ROC..R tu pon dulu gabungan GA ngan ED (2 leader dlm 1 guild)..tp guild real R pon dah break..Kaze(GA) pon dah jual ID..Fatal Error(ED) pon dah x jadik leader..skrg ni dong amik alih ID recoba tu..sbb char champ susah nak lead..

setiap benda berlaku mesti ade sebab..pd aku ROC bole di jadikan guild contoh..budak ROC ramai lansi?x semua aku rase..tp biasalah lumrah kehidupan kalo kuat mesti nak show-off..kalo x mane org nak kenal.. Reign Of Champion [ROC] 191244
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Reign Of Champion [ROC] Empty Re: Reign Of Champion [ROC]

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:24 pm

btl ckp babau.....
1st n last aku woe dgn roc...
baru aku tau...
psl ape roc power....
diaorg teamwork no1....
leader ckp pkl 11...
mcm 1 sarang semut kejar 1 gula....
mmg slame nih aku cari guild mcm tue...
woe dgn hati yg gumbira...
lps woe rase bgga dpt protect guild...
aku dl gidam MOC jd mcm tu jgk...
so...tgk skrg.....
MOC n MOC 2....
ape da jd...
aku da mls nk ckp pape....semua da besar....'
masing2 ikut kepala sendr....
aku da mls nk ikut2 kepala org...
org pun xikut kepala aku....
buat ape nk ikut org lagi rite?,.....

Gud Luck...Very Happy
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