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The Secrets of the Super Novice

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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  antos Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:12 am

Ragnarok Online
Super Novice Guide
Version Yg Latest La !!
Written by: ~AnToS~
Copyright: 2008/01
All right reserved


This guide is only for hosting at gamefaqs, neoseeker and supercheats only. No
one is
allowed to copy any information from this guide without my permission. Seek my
if you want to host it somewhere else.

Table of Contents

1. FAQ Version History
2. Novice - stays cute forever
3. Super Novice Notes
4. The Secrets of the Super Novice
5. Special Ability of Super Novice
6. How to change job to Super Novice
7. Stat build
8. Skills allocation
9. Leveling Guide

Faq Version History
V 0.1 : This is my first FAQ.
V 0.2 : Second FAQ. Not much too.
V 0.3 : Orginal FAQ. I rewrite almost the whole FAQ due to the new ERO
upgrade, Einbroch
the Metal City and The Rise of the A.I.
V 0.35 : Fix a small error.
V 0.35b: Add credits
V 0.35c: Fix a small error, thanks to Lylo.
V 0.4 : Next version, may include more stat build and skills allocation.

Novice - stays cute forever
Created for the perfectionist

The dull look, the empty stare yet a cute and adorable face, all of these are
characteristic of a Novice that every player had experience before. No matter
how you look
at it, the tiny figure, the cute style of sitting, the clumsy way of battling a
you will just feel that you should adore him for everything. Although he or she
is weak, a
Super Novice is still a favourite character of quite a large number of players.
In RO,
Super Novice is the Jack of all trades but perfect of none. Novice might be the
one and
only character who can represent the characteristic of yourself in the world of

Super Novice Notes
Super Novice is an advanced profession for Novice. Although a Super Novice
cannot upgrade
to other characters, this profession is able to learn almost all of the skill
for 1st level
job. In addition to that, the job level of a Super Novice can reach as high as
70 (which
mean Super Novice will obtain 69 skill points). Beside that, a Super Novice
also possesses
a few special protection abilities from his/her Guardian Angel which makes
Super Novice a
unique profession.

When the base level of Super Novice level up, the angel that appears on top of
the Super
Novice is different and the Super Novice will get the protection effect from
the Guardian
Angel. The Guardian Angel will bless Super Novice with the effect of Kyrie
Magnificat, Gloria, Suffragium and Impositio Manus. However, these skills have
the effect
of skill level 1. Therefore, it will wear out very soon.

Beside the above mentioned special effect, Super Novice has a chance to cheat
However, this ability will disappear when the Super Novice has level up or
died once
before. In addition, as the wedding system is implemented, when a bride with
the Super
Novice profession uses the skill [I'll sacrifice mysekf for you], there's a
that 1 point of all attributes of the bride will be deducted and transferred to
bridegroom. Besides that, when the bride of Super Novice profession uses
Healing skill to
recover the health of the bridegroom, the effect is doubled.

If the Super Novice knows the skill of [Pushcart], player can rent a push cart
from the NPC
near the Kapra Headquarters located at the 11 o'clock direction of Aldebaran.
Take note
that a Super Novice can only rent pushcart from this NPC.

The Secrets of the Super Novice
The super Novice has its own five secrets.

- Secret 1
Super Novice has its own level up Angel. When the Super Novice level up, this
Angel will apper. This angel is different from the angel that appers when the
other job
classes level up. This Angel will cast some skills to the Super Novice. Some
of them are
Kyrie Eleison, Magnificat, Gloria, Suffragium and Impositio Manus.

- Secret 2
The command /doridori can restore HP/SP two times faster. Shaking the head is
said to
increase the SP restoration.

- Secret 3
According to hearsay, when a Super Novice`s HP reaches 0, their Guardian
Angel may appear
to refill the HP. She may also cast Mental Strength.

- Secret 4
It is said that when the Super Novice's EXP reaches increments of 10% such as
20.0% all the way to 90.0%, Super Novice can summon their own Guardian Angel
for help.

- Secret 5
People said that something special will be given to the Super Novice if the
Super Novice
is able to avoid a single death.

Special Ability of Super Novice
Fast SP Recovery Effect
When the Super Novice sits down and key in the command /doridori, the SP
recovery rate of
the character is twice as fast as normal. The command has to be input
continuously for the
effect to continue.

Physical Immune Effect
When the experience for the Super Novice reaches 99% and the amount of HP is 0,
there will
be a certain rate that the Guardian Angel will appear and cast Resurrection on
the Super
Novice and the amount of HP will be full. In addition, the revived Super Novice
will also
be blessed with the Physical Immune effect. However, the appearance of Guardian
Angel is
random and it won't appear every time.

Critic Explosion Effect
The base experience of character must be either 10.0%, 20.0%, 30.0%, 40.0%,
50.0%, 60.0%,
70.0%, 80.0% or 90.0%. Then type the following sentences in public channel:

Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
I am Super Novice.
Help me out, Please!
(4th Sentence) [any word you like]

1. You need to type a 4th sentence; You may type any words for last sentence.
2. All alphabets are case-sensitive and all symbols and spaces must be exactly
the same as
3. The player will not need to type his/her character name now.
4. Please do not type the sentences above too fast in public channel.

How to change job to Super Novice
When the base level of Novice reaches 45, proceed to the house near the Water
Wheel at the
7 o'clock direction of Al De Baran. Tzerero will ask you to collect 30 Sticky
Mucus and 30
Resin. After you had sumit the items, you will receive 1 G-string as gift of
job upgrade.

Stat Build

STR: 99
AGI: 99
VIT: 1
INT: 1
DEX: 42
LUK: 1

There isn't much stat bouns for the Super Novice. So, the damages come from STR
and AGI.
DEX also increases the accuracy of attack.

STR: 1
AGI: 99
VIT: 1
INT: 92
DEX: 42
LUK: 1

A spell casting Super Novice need to invest in AGI as it has low HP. It is
important that
the Super Novice can dodge attacks. So, we need to know how to dodge deside
casting magic.
Beside that, DEX also speed up the casting time.

Skill Allocation

Melee Sworkman Trader
Improve Dodge Lv10
Fast SP Recovery Lv2
Bash Lv10
Magnum Break Lv10
Mammonite Lv10
Enlarge Weight Limit Lv5
Pushcart Lv10
Vending Lv1
Heal Lv1

This skill allocation is good as you can deal great damages and do business at
the same

Holy Fire Recovery
Fast SP Recovery Lv10
Improve Dodge Lv10
Napalm Beat Lv4
Soul Strike Lv9
Fire Bolt Lv8
Sight Lv1
Fire Ball Lv5
Fire Wall Lv10
Heal Lv3
Increase Agility Lv1
Fast Recovery Lv8

This is a super combination of Holy and Fire element attack spell plus Healing

Melee Theif Trader
Double Attack Lv10
Improve Dodge Lv10
Fast SP Recovery Lv4
Mammonite Lv10
Enlarge Weight Limit Lv5
Pushcart Lv10
Steal Lv8
Envenom Lv10
Detoxify Lv1
Vending Lv1

The main theme of this skill allocation is to sell whatever you had stolen.

Fire and Ice Recovery
Fast HP Recovery Lv10
Fast SP Recovery Lv10
Improve Dodge v10
Cold Bolt Lv5
Frost Diver Lv10
Lightning Bolt Lv10
Fire Bolt Lv10
Heal Lv3
Increase Agility Lv3

Beside giving you speed boost and SP recovery, you will be able to hit enemies
with the
Fire, Ice and Lightning element.

Full Time Gold Digger
Double Attack Lv10
Improve Dodge Lv10
Fast SP Recovery Lv2
Mammonite Lv10
Enlarge Weight Limit Lv5
Discount Lv3
Overcharge Lv10
Vending Lv2
Ruwach Lv1
Teleportation Lv2
Warp Portal Lv4

This allocation not only vend but provide services to people like Warp Portal.
SO, you need
Fast SP Recovery to resupply your SP.

Leveling Guides
Level 1 to 16:

Kill Eggs, Porings, Drops, Fabre, Pupu, Picky, Super Picky, Lunatic, Willows or
form a
Novice Party where all of you got to share EXP.

Level 16 to 25:

Zombie Tunnel level 1 or Prontera Sewer. Rockers and Theif Bugs are good too.

Level 25 to 35:

You can start killing Pecopeco or Ants. Or else, get tank until you change job.

Level 35 to 50:

Prontera Sewer Level 3 if you dare. If not, continue to try on Ants.

Level 50 to 60:

Elder Willow, Hodes or Byalan 1 and 2. Drainliars in Mjolnir Waste Pit are good

Level 60 to 70:

You can start to form a party and train at Glast Heim. Or else, try on Elder
Willow, Hodes
or Byalan 1 and 2.

Level 70 to 99:

Form a party and train at Glast Heim or adventurous places.
Morocc Clan
Morocc Clan

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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty Re: The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  codex Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:33 am

betul ke ni?
macam tak logic jer ..
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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty Re: The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  Lylo Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:27 am

nape jai ?
ape yg tak logic ?
lets discuss men Razz

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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty Re: The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  Lie Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:31 pm

semalam aku nak asura super novice roc lvl 99, die casting psyical imune dpn mate aku.. ades...
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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty Re: The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  codex Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:46 pm

Critic Explosion Effect
The base experience of character must be either 10.0%, 20.0%, 30.0%, 40.0%,
50.0%, 60.0%,
70.0%, 80.0% or 90.0%. Then type the following sentences in public channel:

Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
I am Super Novice.
Help me out, Please!
(4th Sentence) [any word you like]

1. You need to type a 4th sentence; You may type any words for last sentence.
2. All alphabets are case-sensitive and all symbols and spaces must be exactly
the same as
3. The player will not need to type his/her character name now.
4. Please do not type the sentences above too fast in public channel.

yang ni macam tak logic ..
sbb menggunakan command line sahaja ..
aite? maybe wujud .. tapi aku tak rasa menggunakan command line macam ni aite?
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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty Re: The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  Lie Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:15 am

logic, aku penah try sakray server dulu2.. mmg best main s.novice nih.. ada speacial die..
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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty Re: The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  Lylo Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:33 am

mcm pelik je.
gm ape men type2 kuar skill ni wei.

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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty Re: The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  -ady- Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:23 pm

bnda nie dah lama dah la..apa da..>_<..mmg bole buat pom..apa da..tu speselnye super nobis..instant cast pon bole buat..hohoho

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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty Re: The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  antos Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:39 pm

tu la..
aku post infomation bkn kutip kt tong sampah pnye..
btl wey..
ada effect...
sempoi kn s.nocive..
hehe ~
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The Secrets of the Super Novice Empty Re: The Secrets of the Super Novice

Post  lanalang Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:13 am

segalanya benar2 belaka...
mmg ak pnah tgk depan mata sndr..
s.novice mmg gmpak!!
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