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humonculus.. see this video

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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  numaroth666 Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:49 pm

errr, jai... cane nak buat telur tu??
kalo tak silap, lam storage ade "ShirLy~*'s germination breed" ape tah,
tu ke telur dia yang bulat2 cam ovum tu?
aku ade buat try buat skali lepas fad delete memula dulu.
pastu jadi homun vanilmir bentuk cam songkok...
dia ade tangga evolution ke? cane nak suruh dia jadi
jeli tu? yang random tu ape plak? stat dia owner naikkan
or random ikut homun tu?
senang cite, bole bagi link web yang guide benda ni tak?
sebab aku nak try buat sendiri a...
aku cari lam RMS, dia tunjuk skill homun je...
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aku nak buat homun yang vit tinggi ngan hp banyak.
1st, aku leh guna untuk tank mvp, so aku leh main dex kat
blakang. 2nd, cam lam video first page tu, kate ady makin
banyak hp homun, makin kuat explotion dia. tak ke best kalo
buat camtu waktu def castle...
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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  codex Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:56 pm

stat homun auto naik, aku tak sure macam mana kiraan dia naikkan apa ..
tapi yg penting sume stat dia auto naik, so ianya lebih pada luck ko arr dapat apa nnt ..
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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  codex Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:57 pm

numaroth666 wrote:pastu, babau terus out, off ym, merajuk...bab tu yang aku tak tahan....

btol ke ni bau? hahahaha!!! dah arr tue .. majok2 plak .. haha!!
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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  Angah Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:21 pm

hm..yg disadvantage dier tuh org xmo sgt tuh...time letop tuh mmg sure awesome abis but..intimacy turun sampe tahap cam nk lari, tuh yg rase cam malas nk raise balik intimacy tuh.
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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  <Babau> Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:39 pm

codex wrote:
numaroth666 wrote:pastu, babau terus out, off ym, merajuk...bab tu yang aku tak tahan....

btol ke ni bau? hahahaha!!! dah arr tue .. majok2 plak .. haha!!

OI! Mane de...
asan wat citer!!!
tp puyo mmg suxx jai...xleh wat ape2...
si asan plak assistant dia...
Kalo dah MVP mane ingat kawan2...
tp harituh dpt gak aku bls kat puyo...haha

alih2 dia sampai dah MVP!

wakakakakkaka SK owned!
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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  numaroth666 Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:57 pm

wakakakakakkaaa!!! babau, kao tok sah dolak dalik laaa...
benda da kantoi... ko majuk.... ekekekekekeke~
jangan maraa aaa~ nanti kene kongkek!!!
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brader jai, homun tu aku da buat. vanilmirth tapi baru lvl 1.
haha! nanti naik level, aku nak stop jap dulu, set homun skit, mvp skit,
pastu baru sambung. bole?
tengkew kat boy for da link. aku terlupa kat pront page ade
guide... ni baru paham sikit2...
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Post  shamyto11 Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:55 am

bau bau...

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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  ekey Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:28 am

-ady- wrote:homunculus self destruction..btol ka eja..hehe..aku ada penah soh ikki kotel xdak bulus main skill nie dlu..tapi die xnak main la pulek..takot intemacy jatoh..eh..btol ka eja..eekekek..nice video bro zel..walopon aku x dapat tgk nie..sob sob

humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694
ady iki bole wat le.. humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879
tp creator skill x cukup lagi
HP homun iki 7.2k lv 78
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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  AwAL Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:44 am

nak buat bole..tp homun kene loyal...tp lpas skill selfdistruct..intemency akan tron....
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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  -ady- Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:17 am

ekey wrote:
-ady- wrote:homunculus self destruction..btol ka eja..hehe..aku ada penah soh ikki kotel xdak bulus main skill nie dlu..tapi die xnak main la pulek..takot intemacy jatoh..eh..btol ka eja..eekekek..nice video bro zel..walopon aku x dapat tgk nie..sob sob

humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 629694
ady iki bole wat le.. humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879 humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 596879
tp creator skill x cukup lagi
HP homun iki 7.2k lv 78

dah lvl 78>?>>wowo..damit..wkakakak..nnt ko letop2 eh.wkkakakskkakakakak

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humonculus.. see this video - Page 2 Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  jeri Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:45 am

wei homun aku lvl 14 kot
leh wat camtu ker????????


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