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humonculus.. see this video

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humonculus.. see this video Empty humonculus.. see this video

Post  Zeltoz Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:50 pm

humonculus.. see this video Th_selfdestruction4

ade sesapa berani buat cam ni?
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  Frang-Krung-Krai Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:03 pm

suma mati serentak..
ni pkai skill ape nih...
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  -ady- Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:22 pm

homunculus self destruction..btol ka eja..hehe..aku ada penah soh ikki kotel xdak bulus main skill nie dlu..tapi die xnak main la pulek..takot intemacy jatoh..eh..btol ka eja..eekekek..nice video bro zel..walopon aku x dapat tgk nie..sob sob

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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  Zeltoz Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:26 pm

betul skill tu yg ady ckp .... self dest. tapi nak buat bukan senang 1 nak tgk humonculus ko nye stat pasal setiap humon stat dia random.. dah tu bila train int tak cukup maksud tak leh jadi kuat cam ni delate buat lain lagi train lagi sampai dpt max int .. susah nak dpt demage cam ni

kesilapan bukan int tapi Mattk yg tinggi..humon ni yg jelly tu, jelly tu memang special in magic type skill , filir(burung) baru base on attk

Last edited by Zeltoz on Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  elunium Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:38 pm

gla kentang dmg..sume job 3 KO sekelip mata..
tp server nie betul ker private.. bape K dmg SG dier tue..
bapak tul gile kentang ubi kayu anak keledek..

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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  -ady- Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:40 pm

perghhh..satu lagi knowledge aku dapat..ahah.int mmg x same eh..gila2..nk lvling natang homun nie pon bapak payah..tpi kalo ada skill nie..satu guild baru lepas ecall pon bole mati..kan bro.hahaha

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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  Frang-Krung-Krai Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:46 pm

best wooo cmnih...
wat kat ROC nye bot..
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  numaroth666 Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:05 am

bapak best!!!!
aku nak!!! aku nak!!!
aja aku pls.....
aja aku dari a-z...............
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  Frang-Krung-Krai Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:51 am

san...ko try cari kat google or try wat kat server pvt...
mende nih pon aku bwu tau arini...maybe ady tau kot...
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  -ady- Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:53 am

majibai..aku dah bole tgk ss.kimak sial..wkakakakakakak..licin suma kene letop..wkakkaakkkaka..bole..bole praktis..remove ke woe strategy section

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humonculus.. see this video Empty hebat!!!

Post  shamyto11 Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:04 am

hebat gle beb!
cmner 2??

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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  AwAL Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:49 am

nnti aku nak try kat privete sevet la..cam hebat jer...homun tuh venemilth yg jeli rambot pacak tuh kan??
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  numaroth666 Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:51 pm

aik?? vanilmir yang jeli ke?? tu bukan stat dia vit ke??
nak letop, damage ikot int kan??
errr.... err.....
konpius.... konpiussss......
humonculus.. see this video 61343 humonculus.. see this video 61343 humonculus.. see this video 61343 humonculus.. see this video 61343 humonculus.. see this video 61343
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  Lylo Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:58 pm

maybe die wat int ?
gile stim siak mcm tu.
die swg leyh sapu guild.

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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  elunium Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:07 pm

vanilmirth memang stat dia cam wiz..guna skill wizz..
kalau vit type tue kambeng laa asan..
tue laa ko asan suka makam kambeng jer...

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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  -ady- Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:33 pm

numaroth666 wrote:aik?? vanilmir yang jeli ke?? tu bukan stat dia vit ke??
nak letop, damage ikot int kan??
errr.... err.....
konpius.... konpiussss......
humonculus.. see this video 61343 humonculus.. see this video 61343 humonculus.. see this video 61343 humonculus.. see this video 61343 humonculus.. see this video 61343

skill letop ni damage die bergantung pada hp homun..ko check ratemyserver kalo x caya

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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  jeri Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:12 pm

owhhh someeee!!!!!
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  codex Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:20 pm

waaa ..
budak kecik da speaking la ..
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  numaroth666 Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:37 pm

huh??? jeri budak kecik ke???
humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244

jai, leh tak kalo ko bot char noob aku tu skali ngan homun?
aku ingat nak main homun gak laaa... tapi tak bape reti...
biasa laa, aku kan noob...
humonculus.. see this video 684294 humonculus.. see this video 684294 humonculus.. see this video 684294 humonculus.. see this video 684294

kalo jadi homun tu nanti, senang la aku ngn puyo berMVP...
kan puyo kan? kite dua je ek??
humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  <Babau> Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:44 pm

numaroth666 wrote:huh??? jeri budak kecik ke???
humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244

jai, leh tak kalo ko bot char noob aku tu skali ngan homun?
aku ingat nak main homun gak laaa... tapi tak bape reti...
biasa laa, aku kan noob...
humonculus.. see this video 684294 humonculus.. see this video 684294 humonculus.. see this video 684294 humonculus.. see this video 684294

kalo jadi homun tu nanti, senang la aku ngn puyo berMVP...
kan puyo kan? kite dua je ek??
humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879

demm both of U(Puyo & AsanKotey!!!)
xnak ajak aku xpe... humonculus.. see this video 169602
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  numaroth666 Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:51 pm

wakakakaakakakka babau merajuk wei!!!
humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244

alaaa lek la bau... ko cakap aku emo, padahal sape yang emo??
humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879

pasal semalam tu, sori a, aku pvp tak ajak...
bukan ape, waktu pvp tu,
sos lawan roc... aku lak join TLG ngn SOS kill dorang...
agak fighter gak laaa... waktu tu kitorang wat party then chat kat
party tu agak bz skit laa... hehehee... tu yang nak ajak ko,
da terlajak lak... almaklumlah, guna kekuda tu kan, jalan laju...
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  codex Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:45 pm

homun? no problem, pi buat telo dia dulu .. agak sukar nak jadi .. nak2 plak dex rendah .. mmg lebam!
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  <Babau> Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:54 pm

[b]numaroth666 wrote:wakakakaakakakka babau merajuk wei!!
humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244

alaaa lek la bau... ko cakap aku emo, padahal sape yang emo??
humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879 humonculus.. see this video 596879

pasal semalam tu, sori a, aku pvp tak ajak...
bukan ape, waktu pvp tu,
sos lawan roc... aku lak join TLG ngn SOS kill dorang...
agak fighter gak laaa... waktu tu kitorang wat party then chat kat
party tu agak bz skit laa... hehehee... tu yang nak ajak ko,
da terlajak lak... almaklumlah, guna kekuda tu kan, jalan laju...

erk!aku xmajuk arr san..aku selalu d tpuu oleh puyo...
ble aku pm guild chat tanya 'MVP ke'?
ko taw dia jwp ape?
'eh! Xde lah' "Mane ade..."
tup tap je esok nya jai posting MVP!!!
basah pale aku kena kencing!!!
demmm puyo!!!u suxxx man...wakakaka
asan U Also Suxxx...haha humonculus.. see this video 191244

minggu depan aku gi MVP ngan ady je arrr!!!
MVP lai ady humonculus.. see this video 581665
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  AbgTanker Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:11 pm

oi oi..jgn aa camtu..hahaha..

bau aku bkn sengaja tipu ko aa..hahaha..asan aa ni..dia pm aku
pastu dia suh tipu..serius beb..hahahaha...

ajak la aku bau..im hunger for mvp...hahaha
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humonculus.. see this video Empty Re: humonculus.. see this video

Post  numaroth666 Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:35 pm

demm la u puyo!!! ko da kenceng cantekk punye, pastu
hanyir dia ko tolak kat aku ee??
humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244

yang aku tak tahan, ade skali tu bau, ko cakap kat guild chat
"oi mvp tak ajak!!!" pastu puyo cakap "mane ade, kitorang jalan2 je,
tengok2 dulu kalau ade"... walhal kao nak tau tak bau, time tu
MVP da depan mata...
pastu, babau terus out, off ym, merajuk...
bab tu yang aku tak tahan....
humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244 humonculus.. see this video 191244

demm laa puyo ngan babau ni... kimbets, u all suxxx...

baauu.... oooo~ babau... pasni ajak aaa skali ee??
sangap aaa~
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