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did u know who the real gm

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did u know who the real gm Empty did u know who the real gm

Post  fad Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:21 pm

did u know in moc got gm??
shirly is a gm u know???
as well me i know -fad- also gm but....
he cant make item....
asan is the true gm he can make hologran hapy...
when some one pm him he will make NONO did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 727941 did u know who the real gm 727941 did u know who the real gm 727941 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 GG


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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  -ady- Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:37 pm

?????ape ko cakap nie??

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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  PathLoader Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:35 am

aku sokong kau ady...
ape2 ar kau ckp,GM apernyer??
explain la dlm melayu yg dok g geybang dlm english tu watpe..
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  QayuM Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:04 am

demm aku pon xtau...wakakaka
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  codex Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:11 am

omg .. fad masok air ..
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  Demon_Eyes Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:46 am

fad wrote:did u know in moc got gm??
shirly is a gm u know???
as well me i know -fad- also gm but....
he cant make item....
asan is the true gm he can make hologran hapy...
when some one pm him he will make NONO did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 727941 did u know who the real gm 727941 did u know who the real gm 727941 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 did u know who the real gm 191244 GG

omg..!! Really?.. i dont know about that.. thx for da info.. Errkk... gm -fad- cant make item?.. den he can do wat only le?.. wad da fak ! noob GM.. go die la u.. dem !! Racist !!

hologran is a gay?.. omg ! Only a true gay can make hologran happy.. Walao eh.. GM GM !! i wan zenny.. my jiran punye nenek wan sum zenny.. please... she wan to put some botoks at her %^&%$ .. OmG !! please GM, i beg u... did u know who the real gm 436100 did u know who the real gm 436100 did u know who the real gm 436100
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  numaroth666 Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:03 am

whoooppp~ whooopp~ stop!!! stop!!!
oi, jangan la sebut2 GM wei... tu satu penghinaan tau!! GM adalah pekerjaan
paling keji, sebab ari2 kene maki ngan player...
did u know who the real gm 685713 did u know who the real gm 685713 did u know who the real gm 685713 did u know who the real gm 685713 did u know who the real gm 685713

sebab fad ni mangkok ayun, same macam nenek dia, aku sebagai mmber nak
memperkenalkan beliau

nama: Fadlan (faddog.... faaaddddooogg.... emm emmmm... alone in the world
there is a little faddog) << lagu catdog

asal: tong sampah. kaki sepah bilik, tak kemas. pantang nampak tempat bersih,
mesti tangan dia gatal nak wat sepah. sampai tong sampah pon dia nak bawak
masuk lam bilik.


pekerjaan: GM sambilan. suka menyamar jadi GM betol, pastu kaco orang. kaki scam!!! omg!!
scam tuala aku kat tandas, pastu char select

hobi: real life, kumpul sampah atas katil, bawah katil, atas meja, buat sampah tu macam koleksi stem.
dalam game,apa lagi, jumpe hologran laaa~ bila barang dia ketuk tu pecah, cepat2 dia pm GM01,
maki2 GM, tanye kat mana umah hologram, sebab nak gi bunuh bapak dia. kadang2 hologran
kesian kat dia, bagi laa sikit +7. duit da elok 50-80m, dia pegi abis ketuk barang, pastu mesti
part2 duit da tinggal 30k, baru hologran bagi dia satu benda +7... biasanye padd armor je.

nota: fadlan member paling pukimak aku penah jumpe, klaka nak mampos. ari2 dok gelak macam
kimak anjing ngan dia. orang dia tak kenal pon jadi mangsa bahan. orang yang da kenal, lagilah!!
mintak maap la, kalo tengok kitorang gurau2 bab nenek, sebab kata fad pon, "nenek bukan ketegori
orang yang kite sayang" did u know who the real gm 8868
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  Demon_Eyes Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:06 am

Otak ko.. GM ah pekerjaan paling bagus.. Demm !! I really love u GM !! Zenny please...? did u know who the real gm 834560
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  numaroth666 Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:10 am

pukimak laa acit, nak mintak zeny kat GM!! i GM, i know u have 210m rite now,
in your female high wizard.... u already rich, lai give GM sum money, or i'll ban u for lying me!!!
did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879 did u know who the real gm 596879
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  Demon_Eyes Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:13 am

wad da fak..!! how dare u GM spotcheck my id !! Madafaka !! i'll kill u.. demm ~! Dun ban me please.. i beg u GM ~!
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  codex Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:21 am

korang sume ni budak black metal ke?
naper cam ganas jer seko2 nie ..
korang minum darah kambing ekk?
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  PathLoader Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:38 am

aku xpaham langsung ape korang geybang..
hologran sape?? xkan NPC bodo tu pon korang nak heboh??
ala..ko naik la LUK sampai 99,then nak +99 pon xkesah...
haaaiiizzzzz~ sedey la tgk mcm ni...
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  Demon_Eyes Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:41 am

codex wrote:korang sume ni budak black metal ke?
naper cam ganas jer seko2 nie ..
korang minum darah kambing ekk?

aku minum darah unte.. rase die cam sirap... ko x penah rase?.. dulu kawan aku blaja kt arab slalu bawak balik... sedapp ~~

hologran tu pak cik aku.. die duk kt kedai die je 24 jam.. naek panas aku tgk die tuh.. cam fangsat !
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  PathLoader Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:49 am


antos!! ju!!

ni ha...dak baru yg akan jd spammer kat forum ni nnt!
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  Demon_Eyes Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:03 pm

where got la.. dorg tanye, aku jawab.. sampai ati cakap aku spammer.. T_T did u know who the real gm 684294
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  PathLoader Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:07 pm

spammer di sukai ramai aper..
tp ko menuntut la ilmu dari antos ngan ju dulu..
diowang top 5 spammer dalm forum!
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  Demon_Eyes Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Hee.. ko blom tgk aku spam lagik.. tunggu dan lihat..
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  elunium Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:48 pm

bagus per..
ok gak ade Mr.spammer or ms.spammer nie ..
tak laa borink sgt buka forem..
kalau takde spammer forem dah sunyi cam ro-g
nanti ade award sparmer bleh ahh undi ..
top 5 spammer list..
1- antos
2- jue
3- asan
4- ayamba
5- Epol
6- waterball
7- acit
8- lie
9- ezul
10- clorex

ade ranking lg ker??

p/s : wizard Susuk Top1 spammer RO-G

Last edited by elunium on Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:52 pm

name ku da turun ke bwh?...
musti abg wan xsuport da aku nih...
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  elunium Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:07 pm

aku suh pilih ahh
bukan letak ranking tp takpe aku edit balik..

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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  PathLoader Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:11 pm

top 5 in the making:


unstoppable! Owning! u all sux man...
demm u~~
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:14 pm

elunium wrote:aku suh pilih ahh
bukan letak ranking tp takpe aku edit balik..

siap edit blk tue...
demn je
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  numaroth666 Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:17 pm

hoi!!!! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer! aku bukan spammer!
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  BuDaK_SiNKi Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:19 pm

spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku! spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku! spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku! spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku! spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!spammer bukan aku!
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did u know who the real gm Empty Re: did u know who the real gm

Post  elunium Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:21 pm

alaa asan ..
ko spammer pon takpe kitaowg heppi gak ..
gi masuk New topik tue listkan ToP5 Mr.Spammer..
wakakaka did u know who the real gm 596879

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